Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/418

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101 STAT. 1329-75
PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987
101 STAT. 1329-75

101 STAT. 1329-75

PUBLIC LAW 100-202—DEC. 22, 1987

SEC. 8074. None of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be available to convert to contractor performance an activity or function of the Department of Defense that, on or after the date of enactment of this Act, is performed by more than ten Department of Defense civilian employees until a most efficient and cost-effective organization analysis is completed on such activity or function and certification of the analysis is made to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate. (TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

SEC. 8075. Upon a determination by the Secretary of Defense that such action will result in a more economical acquisition of automatic data processing equipment, funds provided in this Act under one appropriation account for the lease or purchase of such equipment may be transferred through the Automatic Data Processing Equipment Management Fund to another appropriation account in this Act for the lease or purchase of automatic data processing equipment to be merged with and to be available for the same purposes, and for the same time period, as the appropriation to which transferred: Provided, That within thirty days after the end of each quarter the Secretary of Defense shall report transfers made under this section to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives: Provided further, That the authority to transfer funds under this section shall be in addition to any other transfer authority contained in this Act. SEC. 8076. Appropriations available to the Department of Defense during the current fiscal year shall be available, under such regulations as the Secretary of Defense may deem appropriate, to exchange or furnish mapping, charting, and geodetic data, supplies or services to a foreign country pursuant to an agreement for the production or exchange of mapping, charting, and geodetic data. SEC. 8077. None of the funds appropriated in this Act to the Department of the Army may be obligated for procurement of 120mm mortars or 120mm mortar ammunition manufactured outside of the United States: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply to procurement of such mortars or ammunition required for testing, evaluation, type classification or equipping the Army's Ninth Infantry Division (Motorized). SEC. 8078. Appropriations made available to the Department of Defense by this Act may be used at sites formerly used by the Department of Defense for removal of unsafe buildings or debris of the Department of Defense: Provided, That such removal must be completed before the property is released from Federal Government control, other than property conveyed to State or local government entities or native corporations. SEC. 8079. Within the funds made available under title II of this Act, the military departments may use such funds as necessary, but not to exceed $2,400,000, to carry out the provisions of section 430 of title 37, United States Code. SEC. 8080. None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be obligated or expended to carry out a program to paint any naval vessel with paint known as organotin or with any other paint containing the chemical compound tributyltin until such time as the Environmental Protection Agency certifies to the Department of Defense that whatever toxicity as generated by organotin paints as included in Navy specifications does not pose an unacceptable

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