Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 101 Part 2.djvu/437

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101 STAT. 1329-94
PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1987
101 STAT. 1329-94

PUBLIC LAW 100-202—DEC. 22, 1987

101 STAT. 1329-94

Act directly to the District of Columbia Public Schools Foundation for entry level career employment programs, together with $200,000 which shall be paid directly to the Foundation when the Foundation certifies that an equal amount of private contributions has been received; $62,318,000 for the District of Columbia Teachers' Retirement Fund; $71,667,000 for the University of the District of Columbia; $17,047,000 for the Public Library; $3,544,000 for the Commission on the Arts and Humanities; $2,100,000 for the District of Columbia School of Law; and $351,000 for the Educational Institution Licensure Commission: Provided further. That the public schools of the District of Columbia are authorized to accept not to exceed 31 motor vehicles for exclusive use in the driver education program: Provided further, That not to exceed $2,500 for the Superintendent of Schools, $2,500 for the President of the University of the District of Columbia, and $2,000 for the Public Librarian shall be available from this appropriation for expenditures for official purposes: Provided further. That this appropriation shall not be available to subsidize the education of nonresidents of the District of Columbia at the University of the District of Columbia, unless the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia adopts, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988, a tuition rate schedule that will establish the tuition rate for nonresident students at a level no lower than the nonresident tuition rate charged at comparable public institutions of higher education in the metropolitan area. HUMAN SUPPORT SERVICES

Human support services, $695,591,000: Provided, That $14,700,000 of this appropriation, to remain available until expended, shall be available solely for District of Columbia employees' disability compensation. PUBLIC W O R K S

Public works, including rental of one passenger-carrying vehicle for use by the Mayor and three passenger-carrying vehicles for use by the Council of the District of Columbia and purchase of passenger-carrying vehicles for replacement only, $213,654,000, of which not to exceed $4,141,000 shall be available for the School Transit Subsidy: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available, prior to October 1, 1988, for collecting ashes or miscellaneous refuse from hotels and places of business or from apartment houses with four or more apartments, or from any building or connected group of buildings operating as a rooming or boarding house as defined in the housing regulations of the District of Columbia. WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER FUND

For the Washington Convention Center Fund, $6,758,000: Provided, That the Convention Center Board of Directors, established by section 3 of the Washington Convention Center Management Act of 1979, effective November 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 3-36; D.C. Code, sec. 9-602), shall reimburse the Auditor of the District of Columbia for all reasonable costs for performance of the annual convention center audit.