Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/648

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 1652

PUBLIC LAW 100-435—SEPT. 19, 1988 (1) ADDITIONAL COMMODITIES.—The term "additional commodities" means commodities purchased under this section in addition to the commodities otherwise made available to soup kitchens and food banks providing nutrition assistance to relieve situations of emergency and distress. (2) AVERAGE MONTHLY NUMBER OP UNEMPLOYED PERSONS.—

The term "average monthly number of unemployed persons" refers to the average monthly number of unemployed persons within each State in the most recent fiscal year for which such information is available as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor. (3) FOOD BANKS.—The term "food bank" refers to public and charitable institutions that maintain an established operation involving the provision of food or edible commodities, or the products thereof, to food pantries, soup kitchens, hunger relief centers, or other food or feeding centers that provide meals or food to needy persons on a r ^ u l a r basis as an integral part of their normal activities. (4) POVERTY UNE.—The term "poverty line" has the same meaning given such term in section 673(2) of the Community Services Block Grant Act (42 U.S.C. 9902(2)). (5) SECRETARY.—The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Agriculture. (6) SOUP KITCHENS.—The term "soup kitchens" refers to public and charitable institutions that maintain an established feeding operation to provide food to needy homeless persons on a regular basis as an integral part of their normal activities. (7) TOTAL VALUE OF ADDITIONAL COMMODITIES,—The term "total value of additional commodities" means the actual cost (including the processing and distribution costs of the Secretary), as paid by the Secretary, for all additional commodities purchased under subsection (c). (8)


STATE.—The term "value of additional commodities allocated to a State" means the actual cost for additional commodities (including the processing and distribution costs of the Secretary) as paid by the Secretary for commodities purchased under this section and allocated to such State. (c) AMOUNTS.—During each of the fiscal years 1989 and 1990, the Secretary shall spend $40,000,000, and in fiscal year 1991, the Secretary shall spend $32,000,000, to purchase, process, and distribute additional commodities to States for distribution to soup kitchens and food banks within a given State that provide nutrition assistance to relieve situations of emergency and distress through the provision of food and meals to needy persons. (d) MANDATORY ALLOTMENTS.—In each fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot— (1) 60 percent of the total value of additional commodities provided to States in a manner such that the value of additional commodities allocated to each State bears the same ratio to 60 percent of the total value of additional commodities as the number of persons in households within the State having incomes below the poverty line bears to the total number of persons in households within all States having incomes below such poverty line, and each State shall be entitled to receive such value of additional commodities; and