Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/325

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-690—NOV. 18, 1988

102 STAT. 4331

"(B) criminal and justice information systems to assist law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and corrections organization (including automated fingerprint identification systems); "(16) innovative programs that demonstrate new and different approaches to enforcement, prosecution, and adjudication of drug offenses and other serious crimes; "(17) improving the criminal and juvenile justice system's response to domestic and family violence, including spouse abuse, child abuse, and abuse of the elderly; "(18) drug control evaluation programs which the State and local units of government may utilize to evaluate programs and projects directed at State drug control activities; "(19) providing alternatives to prevent detention, jail, and prison for persons who pose no danger to the community; and "(20) programs of which the primary goal is to strengthen urban enforcement and prosecution efforts targeted at street drug sales. "(c) Each program funded under this section shall contain an evaluation component, developed pursuant to guidelines established by the National Institute of Justice, in consultation with the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance may waive this requirement when in the opinion of the Director— "(1) the program is not of sufficient size to justify a full evaluation report; or "(2) the program is designed primarily to provide material resources and supplies, such as laboratory equipment, that would not justify a full evaluation report.

Aged persons.


"SEC. 502. The Bureau is authorized to make financial assistance under this subpart available to a State to enable it to carry out all or a substantial part of a program or project submitted and approved in accordance with the provisions of this subpart.

42 USC 3752.


"SEC. 503. (a) To request a grant under this subpart, the chief executive officer of a State shall submit an application within 60 days after the Bureau has promulgated regulations under this section, and for each subsequent year, within 60 days after the date that appropriations for this part are enacted, in such form as the Director may require. Such application shall include the following: "(1) A statewide strategy for drug and violent crime control programs which improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, with an emphasis on drug trafficking, violent crime, and serious offenders. The strategy shall be prepared after consultation with State and local officials with emphasis on those whose duty it is to enforce drug and criminal laws and direct the administration of justice and shall contain— "(A) a definition and analysis of the drug and violent crime problem in the State, and an analysis of the proolems in each of the counties and municipalities with major drug and violent crime problems;

42 USC 3753.