Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/327

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-690—NOV. 18, 1988

102 STAT. 4333

able to the Bureau and shall be executed by the chief executive or such other officer of the applicant qualified under regulations promulgated by the Office. "(10) A certification that the State is undertaking initiatives to reduce, through the enactment of innovative penalties or increasing law enforcement efforts, the demand for controlled substances by holding accountable those who unlawfully possess or use such substances. "Ob) Within 30 days after the date of enactment of this part, the Director shall promulgate regulations to implement this section (including the information that must be included and the requirements that the States must meet) in submitting the applications required under this section.



"SEC. 504. (a) A grant made under this subpart may not— "(1) for fiscal year 1989 appropriations be expended for more than 75 per centum; and "(2) for any subsequent fiscal year appropriations be expended for more than 50 per centum; of the cost of the identified uses for which such grant is received to carry out any purpose specified in section 502, except that in the case of funds distributed to an Indian tribe which performs law enforcement functions (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior) for any such program or project, the amount of such grant shall be equal to 100 percent of such cost. The non-Federal portion of the expenditures for such uses shall be paid in cash. "(b) Not more than 10 percent of a grant made to an eligible State under section 506 may be used for costs incurred to administer such grant. "(c) States and units of local government or combinations thereof are authorized to use a grant made under section 506 for the expenses associated with participation in the State and Local Task Force Program established by the Drug Enforcement Administration. "(d) States and local units of government are authorized to use a grant made under section 506 for the expenses associated with conducting the evaluations required under section 501(c) of this part. "(e) The non-Federal portion of the cost of such program or project shall be in cash. State and local units of government may use cash received under the equitable sharing program to cover the nonFederal portion of the costs of programs funded under section 506. "(f) No funds may be awarded under this subpart to a grant recipient for a program or project for which funds have been awarded under this title for 4 years (in the aggregate), including any period occurring before the effective date of this subsection.

42 USC 3754.



"SEC. 505. (a) The Bureau shall provide financial assistance to each State applicant under this subpart to carry out the programs or projects submitted by such applicant upon determining that— "(1) the application or amendment thereto is consistent with the requirements of this subpart; and "(2) before the approval of the application and any amendment thereto the Bureau has made an affirmative finding in

42 USC 3755.