Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/590

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 4596

PUBLIC LAW 100-696—NOV. 18, 1988 (1) Excepting and reserving to the Salt River Project, a rightof-way for electric transmission and distribution lines and access purposes which shall comprise that portion of the east 300 feet of section 24, lying west of a line extending northerly from a point on the south section line of section 24, being 51 feet west of the southeast corner of section 24 to a point on the north section line of section 24, being 129 feet west of the northeast corner of section 24, as generally depicted on the Salt River Project drawing number C-675-439.88, dated June 1988; (2) The United States and the Salt River Project shall not be liable whatsoever for damages to any lands conveyed herein, which may be caused by flooding in conjunction with any of the United States' or Salt River Project's existing or future facilities or protective works; (3) The patentee, successors or assigns of the lands conveyed herein shall be held liable to the United States or the Salt River Project for damages caused by the holder's activities which alter drainage and adversely affect adjacent lands, project facilities or protective works of the United States or the Salt River Project; and (4) Reserving to the United States a right-of-way for road purposes, as described in Bureau of Land Management A.R. 020234. ADJUSTMENT OF CORONADO NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARY SEC. 508. (a) MODIFICATION OF PROCLAMATION 1121.—Proclamation

1121, dated April 17, 1911, which established the Coronado National Forest boundary as it related to Township 21 South, Range 18 East, G&SRM, is hereby modified to delete sections 27 and 28, which are not under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service, from inclusion within the National Forest System. (b) MODIFICATION OF PROCLAMATION DATED JULY 19, 1907.—The

proclamation dated July 19, 1907, which established the Coronado National Forest boundary as it is related to Township 15 South, Range 17 East, Gila and Salt River Meridian, is hereby modified to delete sections 9, 10, 15 and 22, which are not under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service, from inclusion within the National Forest System. AUTHORIZATION

509. (a) GENERAL APPROPRIATION.—There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this title. (h) PERSONNEL.—There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to provide for at least 5 and more, if necessary, full-time equivalent employees of the Bureau of Land Management to perform resource management and law enforcement activities as part of the administration of the Bureau of Land Management lands in Black Canyon Corridor. SEC. 510. The Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service shall approve or disapprove applications for rights-of-way access across the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge as expeditiously as possible. SEC.