Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 5.djvu/772

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 4778


Public information.



PUBLIC LAW 100-712—NOV. 23, 1988 2021e of title 42 of the United States Code, any payments paid from the special escrow account for which the Secretary of Energy is trustee pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of section 2021e of title 42 of the United States Code. (9) The Commission shall submit communications to the governors to the presiding officers of the legislatures of the party States r^arding the activities of the Commission, including an annual report to be submitted on or before January 15 of each year. The Commission shall include in the annual report a review of, and reconmiendations for, low-level radioactive waste disposal methods which are alternative technol(^es to the shallow land burial of low-level radioactive waste. (10) The Commission shall assemble and make available to the party states, and to the public, information concerning lowlevel radioactive waste management needs, technologies, and problems. (11) The (Commission shall keep a current inventory of all generators within the r ^ o n, based upon information provided by the party states. (12) The Commission shall keep a current inventory of all regional disposal facihties, inclucQng information on the size, capacity, location, specific low-level radioactive wastes capable of being managed, and the projected useful life of each regional disposal facility. (13) The Conunission may establish advisory committees for the purpose of advising the Commission on the disposal and management of low-level radioactive waste. (14) The O>nunission may enter into contracts to carry out its duties and authority, subject to projected resources. No contract made by the Conunission shall bind a party stete. (15) The Commission shall prepare contingency plans, with the cooperation and approval of the host stet^, for the disposal and management of low-level radioactive waste in the event that any regional disposal facility should be closed. (16) The Commission may sue and be sued and, when authorized by a majority vote of the members, may seek to intervene in an administrative or judicial proceeding related to this compact. (17) The Commission shall be managed by an appropriate stsiff, including an executive director. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commission may hire or retain, or boti^ l ^ a l counsel. (18) The Commission may, subject to applicable federal and state laws, recommend to ^e appropriate host state authority suitable land and raU transportation routes for low-level radioactive waste carriers. (19) The Commission may enter into an agreement to import low-level radioactive waste into the r ^ o n only if both of the following requirements are met— (a) The Commission approves the importation agreement by a two-thirds vote of the Commission. (b) The Commission and the host stete assess the affected r ^ o n a l disposal facilities' capability to handle imported low-level rsuiioactive wastes and any relevant environmental or economic factors, as defined by the host stete's appropriate r^ulatory authorities.