Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/112

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103 STAT. 84 PUBLIC LAW 101-41—JUNE 21, 1989 Supreme Court decision of United States of America against J.M. Ashton. (4) It is recognized that both Indian and non-Indian parties enter into this settlement to resolve certain problems and claims and to derive certain benefits. (5) There is a recognition that any final resolution of pending disputes through a process of litigation would take many years and entail great expense to all parties; continue economically and socially damaging controversies; prolong uncertainty as to the access, ownership, and jurisdictional status of issues in question; and seriously impair long-term economic planning and development for all parties. (6) To advance the goals of Federal policy of Indian self- /^^ determination and to carry out the trust responsibility of the United States, and to advance the Federal policy of inter- 'l national trade and economic development, and in recognition of the Federal policy of settling these conflicts through com- prehensive settlement agreements, it is appropriate that the United States participate in the funding and implementation of the Settlement Agreement, (b) PURPOSE.— Therefore, it is the purpose of this Act— (1) to approve, ratify, and confirm the agreement entered into by the non-Indian settlement parties and the Puyallup Tribe of Indians, (2) to authorize and direct the Secretary to implement the terms of such agreement, and (3) to authorize the actions and appropriations necessary to implement the provisions of the Settlement Agreement and this Act. 25 USC 1773a. SEC. 3. RESOLUTION OF PUYALLUP TRIBAL LAND CLAIMS. (a) RELINQUISHMENT.— In accordance with the Settlement Agree- ment and in return for the land and other benefits derived from the Settlement Agreement and this Act, the Tribe, and the United States as trustee for the Tribe and its members, relinquish all claims to tidelands, submerged lands, and any other lands, and including any mineral claims and nonfisheries water rights connected with such relinquished land, known or unknown, within the State of Washington, subject to the exceptions referred to in subsection (b). (b) EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN LANDS.— Subsection (a) shall not apply to the following: (1) 12.5 acres of former riverbed land confirmed to the Tribe in Puyallup Tribe of Indians against Port of Tacoma (717 F. 2d 1251 (1983)), which land shall be subject to the terms and conditions described in the Settlement Agreement and docu- ment 6 of the Technical Documents. (2) All land to which record title in the Tribe or the United States in trust for the Tribe or its members derives from a = patent issued by the United States or from a conveyance of tideland by the State of Washington. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "record title" means title documented by identifiable conveyances reflected in those records imparting constructive notice of conveyances according to the laws of the State (RCW chapters 65.04 and 65.08) and the final judgments of State or Federal courts. (3) Ortein land recognized to be owned on August 27, 1988, by the Tribe or the United States in trust for the Tribe within the