Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/248

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103 STAT. 220 PUBLIC LAW 101-73—AUG. 9, 1989 The amount of "For the fiscal year minimum net worth beginning October 1 of: (in billions): 1991 0.0 1992 1.0 1993 2.1 1994 3.2 1995 4.3 1996 5.4 1997 6.5 1998 7.6 1999 8.8 "(G) EXCEPTION TO SUBPARAGRAPHS (E) AND (F).— Not- withstanding subparagraphs (E) and (F), no payment may be made pursuant to such subparagraphs after the Savings Association Insurance Fund achieves a reserve ratio of 1.25 percent. "(H) DISCRETIONARY RTC PAYMENTS. —I f amounts available to the Savings Association Insurance Fund for purposes other than the payment of administrative expenses are insufficient for the Savings Association Insurance Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act, the Corporation may request the Resolution Trust Corporation to provide, and the Oversight Board of the Resolution Trust Corporation (in the discretion of the Oversight Board) may pay, such amount as may be needed for such purposes. "(I) BORROWING AUTHORITY. — "(i) IN GENERAL.— The Corporation may borrow from the Federal home loan banks, with the concurrence of the Federal Housing Finance Board, such funds as the Corporation considers necessary for the use of the Sav- ings Association Insurance Fund. (ii) TERMS AND CONDITIONS. —Any loan from any Federal home loan bank under clause (i) to the Savings Association Insurance Fund shall— "(I) bear a rate of interest of not less than such bank's current marginal cost of funds, taking into account the maturities involved; ,. "(II) be adequately secured, as determined by the ' Federal Housing Finance Board; "(III) be a direct liability of such Fund; and "(IV) be subject to the limitations of section 15(c). "(J) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. —There are au- thorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Treas- ury, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this paragraph, except that— . ' "(i) the annual amount appropriated under subpara- graph (F) shall not exceed $2,000,000,000 in either fiscal ,^ year 1991 or fiscal year 1992; and "(ii) the cumulative amount appropriated under subparagraph (F) for fiscal years 1991 through 1999 shall not exceed $16,000,000,000. "(7) PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO MAINTENANCE OF ACCOUNTS.— "(A) CORPORATION'S AUTHORITY. —Any provision of this Act forbidding the commingling of the Bank Insurance Fund with the Savings Association Insurance Fund, or requiring the separate maintenance of the Bank Insurance Fund and the Savings Association Insurance Fund, is not intended—