Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/394

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103 STAT. 366 PUBLIC LAW 101-73 —AUG. 9, 1989 ,.,^ "(B) To approve prior to implementation periodic financ- ing requests developed by the Corporation. "(C) To review all rules, regulations, principles, proce- dures, and guidelines that may be adopted or announced by the Corporation. After consultation with the Corporation, the Oversight Board may require the modification of any such rules, regulations, principles, procedures, or guidelines except that the rules, regulations, principles, procedures, and guidelines relating to the Corporation's powers and activities as a conservator or receiver shall be consistent with the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to internal administra- tive policies and procedures, and determinations or actions i^ described in paragraph (8) of this subsection. "(D) To review the overall performance of the Corpora-


tion on a periodic basis, including its work, management activities, and internal controls, and the performance of the Corporation relative to approved budget plans. "(E) To require from the Corporation any reports, docu- ments, and records it deems necessary to carry out its oversight responsibilities. "(F) To establish a national advisory board and regional advisory boards. "(G) To authorize the use of proceeds from any funds ~^ provided by the Treasury to the Corporation and from any financing by the Resolution Funding (Dorporation estab- - lished pursuant to section 21B of this Act consistent with the approved budget and financial plans of the (Corporation and to oversee the collection of funds by the Resolution Funding Corporation. "(H) To evaluate audits by the Inspector General and - other congressionally required audits. • "(I) To have general oversight over the Resolution Fund- ing Corporation as provided under section 21B of this Act. "(J) To authorize, as appropriate, the Corporation's sale of capital certificates to the Resolution Funding Corpora- tion. "(7) TRANSITION POLICIES.—Until such time as the Oversight Board and the Corporation (consistent with paragraph (6) and subsection (b)(12)) adopt strategies, policies, goals, regulations, rules, operating principles, procedures, or guidelines, the Cor- poration may carry out its duties in accordance with the strate- gies, policies, goals, regulations, rules, operating principles, procedures, or guidelines of the Federal Deposit Insurance (Cor- poration, notwithstanding the provisions of section 553 of title 5, United States (Code. "(8) LIMITATION ON AUTHORITY.— „. "(A) IN GENERAL.—The (Corporation shall have the authority, without any prior review, approval, or dis- approval by the Oversight Board, to make such determina- tions and take such actions as it deems appropriate with respect to case-specific matters (i) involving individual case

resolutions, (ii) asset liquidations, or (iii) day-to-day oper- ations of the (Corporation. The preceding sentence in no way limits the authority of the Oversight Board to provide general policies and procedures.