Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/835

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PUBLIC LAW 101-136—NOV. 3, 1989 103 STAT. 807 right, title, and interest in and to the property shall revert to the United States. (b) All that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being on the west side of Chisolm Street, in Ward 2, in the City of Charleston, County of Charleston, and State of South Carolina. Measuring and containing in front on Chisolm Street 100 feet, and the same on the west or back line, and in depth on the northernmost line from east to west 150 feet and Va inch, and the same on the southernmost line—be all the said dimensions a little more or less. Butting and bounding to the north on lands now of Anderson Lumber Company, formerly of Mrs. E.C. Rennecker; east on Chisolm Street aforesaid; south on part of the original tract of land owned by the said A.B, Murray and West Point Mills Company, now reserved by the said grantors, and west on another part of the said original tract, formerly belonging to the said A.B. Murray and West Point Mills Company, and conveyed by them to the United States of America. The said lot of land hereby conveyed being the northernmost portion of that portion of the Chisolm's Mills Property, reserved by the A.B. Murray and West Point Mills Company after conveyance of the greater part of the said Chisolm's Mills Property to the United States of America, by Deeds which are recorded and may be seen in Book U-24, Page 582 and Page 585 in the R.M.C. Office for Charles- ton County, and all of which is more fully shown and delineated on a Plat of the said Chisolm's Mills Property, dated April 23, 1914, and made and certified to by H.D. King, Inspector, United States Light House Department, which said Plat is on record in Plat Book C, Page 97, in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County. Being the same premises which were conveyed to the United States of America by deed of Andrew B. Murray dated October 23, 1916, and recorded in the Office of the R.M.C. for Charleston County in Book U-24, Page 587, and by deed of West Point Mills Company, dated November 20, 1916, and recorded in said office in Book U-24, Page 589. SEC. 21. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, agencies are authorized to make rent payments to the General Services Administration for lease space relating to expansion needs of the agency and General Services Administration is authorized to use such funds, in addition to the amount received as New Obligational Authority in the Rental of Space activity of the Federal Buildings Fund. Such payments are to be at the commercial equivalent rates specified by section 201(j) of the Federal Property and Administra- tive Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 490(j)) and are to be deposited into the Fund established pursuant to section 210(f) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 490(f)). 0)) There are hereby appropriated, out of the Federal Buildings Fund, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of subsection (a). SEC. 22. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Act or any other 40 USC 490e. Act in any fiscal year, obligations of funds for lease, entered into in accordance with section 210(h)(1) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, 40 U.S.C. 490, shall be limited to the current fiscal year for which payments are due without regard to section 1341(a)(l)0^) of title 31, United States Code.