Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/958

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103 STAT. 930 PUBLIC LAW 101-150—NOV. 13, 1989 Public Law 101-150 101st Congress Joint Resolution Nov. 13, 1989 Designating November 12 through 18, 1989 as "National Glaucoma Awareness [S.J. Res. 194] Week". Whereas glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness among individuals in the United States; Whereas glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness among black individuals in the United States; Whereas the risk of blindness from glaucoma significantly increases in older age groups; Whereas diabetes increcises the risk of developing glaucoma; Whereas at least two million individuals in the United States have glaucoma and at least 50 per centum of the individuals with glaucoma are unaware of it; Whereas eighty thousand individuals in the United States are al- ready blind from glaucoma and five million to ten million Ameri- cans are believed to have undiagnosed and elevated intraocular presssure, often a silent symptom of glaucoma; Whereas early detection is critical to preventing blindness from glaucoma; and Whereas periodic comprehensive eye examinations are the best means of detecting glaucoma and the number of individuals that receive examinations could be increased through greater public understanding, awareness, and education: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That November 12 through 18, 1989, is designated as "National Glaucoma Awareness Week", and the President of the United States is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Approved November 18, 1989. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S.J. Res. 194: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 135 (1989): Oct. 20, considered and passed Senate. Oct. 31, considered and passed House.