Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/259

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PUBLIC LAW 101-302—MAY 25, 1990 104 STAT. 225 American States pursuant to the agreement of the Central American Presidents at Tela, Honduras, on August 7, 1989, unless the President notifies the Committees on Appropriations in accordance with the procedures contained in section 523 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1990: Provided further. That up to $8,000,000 of the funds made available by this subsection may be used for environmental activities, including the preservation of tropical forests, promotion of sustainable agriculture, control of pollution, and restoration of the natural resource base. FORESTRY PROTECTION None of the funds appropriated in this Act for Nicaragua or Panama shall be used for any project that would result in any significant loss of tropical forests. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Up to $10,000,000, of the funds made available under the headings "Panama" and "Nicaragua" may be used for the purpose of paying administrative expenses incurred by the Agency for International Development in connection with carrying out its functions under such headings. EVALUATION AND AUDIT Reports. In order to monitor the uses and evaluate the effectiveness of Economic Support Fund programs provided under this Act for Nicaragua and Panama— (1) the Administrator of the Agency for International Development shall— (A) submit periodic reports to the Committees on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on such assistance assessing compliance with specific program objectives with particular emphasis on monitoring commodity import programs and cash transfers for balance of payments and budget support programs; (B) in cooperation with the governments and nongovernmental organizations receiving such assistance, establish appropriate administrative systems and controls to ensure that the Eissistance is being used for its intended purposes; (2) the Inspector General of the Agency for International Development shall, at least semiannually beginning six months from the date of enactment of this Act, audit the Economic Support Fund programs provided under this Act for Nicaragua and Panama to assess the financial management and administrative systems established by the Agency to control such programs, and report to the Committees on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Administrator its findings; and (3) the General Accounting Office shall submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs not later than January 15, 1992, assessing the effectiveness of the Economic Support Fund assistance provided under this Act for Panama and Nicaragua, emphasizing commodity import pro-