Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/465

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PUBLIC LAW 101-366 —AUG. 15, 1990 104 STAT. 431 (b) PAY ADMINISTRATION.— Chapter 73 of such title is amended by inserting after subchapter III the following new subchapter: "SUBCHAPTER IV—PAY FOR NURSES AND OTHER HEALTH- CARE PERSONNEL "§4141. Nurses and other health-care personnel: competitive pay "(a)(1) It is the purpose of this section to ensure, by a means providing increased responsibility and authority to directors of Department health-care facilities, that the rates of basic pay for health-care personnel positions described in paragraph (2) in each Department health-care facility (including the rates of basic pay of personnel employed in such positions on a part-time basis) are sufficient for that facility to be competitive, on the basis of pay and other employee benefits, with non-Department health-care facilities in the same labor-market area in the recruitment and retention of qualified personnel for those positions. "(2) The health-care personnel positions referred to in paragraph (1) (hereinafter in this section referred to as 'covered positions') are the following: "(A) Registered nurse. "(B) Such positions referred to in clauses (1) and (3) of section 4104 of this title (other than the positions of physician, dentist, and registered nurse) as the Secretary may determine upon the recommendation of the Chief Medical Director. "(3) The rates of basic pay for covered positions in the Department shall be established and adjusted in accordance with this section instead of subsection (b)(1) of section 4107 of this title. "(4) The Secretary, after receiving the recommendation of the Regulations. Chief Medical Director, shall prescribe regulations setting forth criteria and procedures to carry out this section and section 4142 of this title. Requirements in such regulations for directors to provide and maintain documentation of actions taken under this section shall require no more documentation than the minimum essential for responsible administration. "(b) The Secretary shall maintain the four grade levels for nurses employed by the Department under section 4104(1) of this title as specified in the Nurse Schedule in section 4107(b) of this title. The Secretary shall, pursuant to regulations prescribed to carry out this subchapter, establish grades for other covered positions as the Secretary considers appropriate. "(c)(1) For each grade in a covered position, there shall be a range of basic pay. The maximum rate of basic pay for a grade shall be 133 percent of the minimum rate of basic pay for the grade, except that, if the Secretary determines that a higher maximum rate is necessary with respect to any such grade in order to recruit and retain a sufficient number of high-quality health-care personnel, the Secretary may raise the maximum rate of basic pay for that grade to a rate not in excess of 175 percent of the minimum rate of basic pay for the grade. Whenever the Secretary exercises the authority under the preceding sentence to establish the maximum rate of basic pay at a rate in excess of 133 percent of the minimum rate for that grade, the Secretary shall, in the next annual report required by subsection (g), provide justification for doing so to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and House of Representatives.