Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/639

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PUBLIC LAW 101-381—AUG. 18, 1990 104 STAT. 605 "(3) AMOUNT OF ALLOTMENT,—The amount of an allotment under paragraph (1) for a State for a fiscal year shall be an amount equal to the product of— "(A) an amount equal to the amount available pursuant to paragraph (2) for the fiscal year involved; and "(B) the percentage determined under subsection (b)(2) for the State. "(e) TRANSITION RULES. — "(1) For the fiscal years 1991 through 1993, the amount of an allotment under section 2641 shall be the greater of the amount determined under subsection (a) and an amount equal to the amount applicable under paragraph (2) for the fiscal year involved. "(2) For purposes of paragraph (1)— "(A) the amount applicable for fiscal year 1991 is an amount equal to the amount received by the State involved from the Secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control, for fiscal year 1990 for the provision of counseling and testing services with respect to HIV; "(B) the amount applicable for fiscal year 1992 is 85 percent of the amount specified in subparagraph (A); and "(C) the amount applicable for fiscal year 1993 is 70 percent of the amount specified in subparagraph (A). •SEC. 2649A. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The Secretary may not make a grant under section 2641 unless— "(1) the State involved submits to the Secretary a comprehensive plan for the organization and delivery of the early intervention services to be funded with the grant that includes a description of the purposes for which the State intends to use

  • such assistance, including—

"(A) the services and activities to be provided and an explanation of the manner in which the elements of the . program to be implemented by the State with the grant will maximize the quality of early intervention services available to individuals with HIV disease throughout the State; and "(B) a description of the manner in which services funded with the grant will be coordinated with other available related services for individuals with HIV disease; and "(2) the State agrees that— "(A) the public health agency administering the grant will conduct public hearings regarding the proposed use and distribution of the grant; "(B) to the maximum extent practicable, early intervention services delivered pursuant to the grgmt will be provided without regard to the ability of the individual to pay for such services and without regard to the current or past health condition of the individual with HIV disease; "(C) early intervention services under the grant will be provided in settings accessible to low-income individuals with HIV disease; and "(D) outreach to low-income individuals with HIV disease will be provided to inform such individuals of the services available pursuant to the grant. 42 USC 300ff-49a. Disadvantaged perso ns.