Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 1.djvu/813

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PUBLIC LAW 101-392—SEPT. 25, 1990 104 STAT. 779 shall, in carrying out a vocational education program for criminal offenders— "(1) give special consideration to— "(A) providing services to offenders who are completing their sentences and preparing for release; and "(B) providing grants for the establishment of vocational education programs in correctional institutions that do not have such programs; "(2) provide vocational education programs for women who are incarcerated; "(3) improve equipment; and "(4) in cooperation with eligible recipients, administer and coordinate vocational education services to offenders before and after their release. "PART C—SECONDARY, POSTSECONDARY, AND ADULT VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS "Subpart 1—Within-State Allocation "SEC. 231. DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS TO SECONDARY SCHOOL PROGRAMS. 20 USC 2341. "(a) GENERAL RULE.— Except as otherwise provided in this section and section 233, each State shall distribute funds available in any fiscal year for secondary school vocational education programs to local educational agencies within the State as follows: "(1) From 70 percent of such funds, each local educational agency shall be allocated an amount that bears the same relationship to such 70 percent as the amount such local educational agency was allocated under section 1005 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 in the preceding fiscal year bears to the total amount received under such section by local educational agencies in the State in such year. "(2) From 20 percent of such funds, each local educational agency shall be allocated an amount that bears the same relationship to such 20 percent as the number of students with handicaps who have individualized education programs under section 614(a)(5) of the Education of the Handicapped Act served by such local educational agency in the preceding fiscal year bears to the total number of such students served by local educational agencies in the State in such year. "(3) From 10 percent of such funds, each local educational agency shall be allocated an amount that bears the same relationship to such 10 percent as the number of students enrolled in schools and adults enrolled in training programs under the jurisdiction of such local educational agency in the preceding fiscal year bears to the number of students enrolled in schools and adults enrolled in training programs under the jurisdiction of all local educational agencies in the State in such year. "(b) MINIMUM GRANT AMOUNT. — (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), no local educational agency shall be eligible for a grant under this part unless the amount allocated to such agency under subsection (a) is not less than $15,000. A local educational agency may enter into a consortium with other local educational agencies for purposes of meeting the minimum grant requirement of this paragraph.