Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 4.djvu/980

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104 STAT. 3296 PUBLIC LAW 101-618—NOV. 16, 1990 (t) the term "1948 Tripartite Agreement" means the agreement between the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District, the Nevada State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the establishment, development, operation, and maintenance of Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area, dated November 26, 1948. SEC. 204. INTERSTATE ALLOCATION. (a) CARSON RIVER.— (1) The interstate allocation of waters of the Carson River and its tributaries represented by the Alpine decree is confirmed. (2) The allocations confirmed in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not be construed as precluding, foreclosing, or limiting the assertion of any additional right to the waters of the Carson River or its tributaries which were in existence under applicable law as of January 1, 1989, but are not recognized in the Alpine decree. The allocation made in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be modified to accommodate any such additional rights, and such additional rights, if established, shall be administered in accordance with the terms of the Alpine decree; except that the total amount of such additional allocations shall not exceed 1,300 acre-feet per year by depletion for use in the State of California and 2,131 acre-feet per-year by depletion for use in the State of Nevada. This paragraph shall not be construed to allow any increase in diversions from the Carson River or its tributaries beyond those in existence on December 31, 1992. (3) If, on or after the date of enactment of this title, all or any portion of the effluent imported from the Lake Tahoe basin into the watershed of the Carson River in California is discontinued by reason of a change in the place of the disposal of such effluent, including underground disposal, to the Truckee River basin or the Lake Tahoe basin, in a manner which results in increasing the available supply of water in the Nevada portion of the Truckee River basin, the allocation to California of the water of the West Fork of the Carson River and its tributaries for use in the State of California shall be augmented by an amount of water which may be diverted to storage, except that such storage: (A) shall not interfere with other storage or irrigation rights of Segments 4 and 5 of the Carson River, as defined in the Alpine decree; (B) shall not cause significant adverse effects to fish and wildlife; (C) shall not exceed 2,000 acre-feet per year, or the quantity by which the available annual supply of water to the Nevada portion of the Truckee River basin is increased, whichever is less; and (D) shall be available for irrigation use in that or subsequent years, except that the cumulative amount of such storage shall not exceed 2,000 acre-feet in any year. (4) Storage specified by paragraph (3) of this subsection shall compensate the State of California for any such discontinuance as referred to in such paragraph: Provided, That the augmentation authorized by such paragraph shall be used only on lands having appurtenant Alpine decree rights. Use of effluent for the