Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/45

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PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 3367 Subtitle B—Commodity Distribution Programs Sec. 1771. Commodity distribution program; commodity supplemental food programs. Sec. 1772. Emergency food assistance program. Sec. 1773. Commodity distribution reform. Sec. 1774. Hunger prevention programs. Sec. 1775. Reprocessing agreements with private companies. Sec. 1776. Nutrition education reauthorization. Sec. 1777. Notifying shelters of charitable institutions program. Sec. 1778. Welfare Simplification and Coordination Advisory Committee. Sec. 1779. School lunch studies. Subtitle C—Effective Dates Sec. 1781. Effective dates. TITLE XVm—CREDIT Subtitle A—Farmers Home Administration Loans Sec. 1801. References to the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act. Sec. 1802. Soil and water loans. Sec. 1803. Interest rate on farm ownership loans and operating loans made to limited resource borrowers. Sec. 1804. Guarantee of payment by Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Sec. 1805. Debt settlement. Sec. 1806. Documentation for approval of security transfer. Sec. 1807. Notice of loan service programs. Sec. 1808. Underwriting forms and standards. Sec. 1809. County committees. Sec. 1810. Certification of loan eligibility. Sec. 1811. Business and industry and community facility loans. Sec. 1812. Appeals. Sec. 1813. Disposition of suitable property. Sec. 1814. Dennitions. Sec. 1815. Extension of eligibility for conservation easements; assistance to borrowers. Sec. 1816. Debt restructuring and loan servicing. Sec. 1817. Distribution of funds on Indian reservations. Sec. 1818. Borrower training. Sec. 1819. Loan assessments. Sec. 1820. Supervised credit. Sec. 1821. Market placement. Sec. 1822. Sense of Congress r^arding assistance for qufilified beginning farmers or ranchers. Sec. 1823. Sense of Congress regarding FmHA loan application review and loan servicing. Sec. 1824. Prohibition on use of loans for certain purposes. Subtitle B—Farm Credit System Sec. 1831. References to the Farm Credit Act of 1971. Sec. 1832. Financing for basic processing and marketing operations owned by bona fide producers. Sec. 1833. Restoration of first lien on stock. Sec. 1834. Insurance services. Sec. 1835. Clarification of contents of certified statements. Sec. 1836. Termination date for Farm Credit ^stem Assistance Board. Sec. 1837. Employment of certain persons by Farm Credit System institutions. Sec. 1838. Termination of System institution status of California Livestock Production Credit Association. Sec. 1839. Secondary market for guaranteed farmer program loans. Sec. 1840. Authority of Farm Credit Administration to r^ulate Federal Agricultural Morteage Corporation. Sec. 1841. Exclusion of Farm Credit Administration from Senior Executive Service. Sec. 1842. GAO study of rural credit cost and availability. Sec. 1843. Salaries and compensation paid by System institutions. Subtitle C—Miscellaneous Sec. 1851. Economic emergency loan program. Sec. 1852. Authorization of appropriations for farm ownership outreach program to socially disadvantaged individuals. Sec. 1853. State mediation programs.