Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/645

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PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 104 STAT. 3967 (1) the quantity of undermarketings of quota tobacco from a farm for the 1990 crop that may otherwise be claimed under section 317 or 319 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (7 U.S.C. 1314c or 1314e) for purposes of future quota increeises shall be reduced by the quantity of the deficiency of production of such tobacco for which payment has been received under this section; and (2) disaster payments made to producers under this section may not be considered by the Secretary in determining the net losses of the Commodity Credit Corporation under section 106A(d) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1445-l(d)). (f) SPECIAL RULE FOR SUGARCANE.—For purposes of determining the total quantity of the 1990 crop of sugarcane that the producers on a farm are able to harvest, the Secretary shall make the determination based on the quantity of recoverable sugar. SEC. 2244. SOYBEANS AND NONPROGRAM CROPS. (a) DISASTER PAYMENTS. — (1) IN GENERAL. — (A) ELIGIBILITY. —Effective only for the 1990 crops of soy- beans and nonprogram crops, to the extent that assistance was not made avsulable under the Disaster Assistance Act of 1989 for a producer's losses, if the Secretary of Agriculture determines that, because of damaging weather or related condition in 1989 or 1990, the total quantity of the 1990 crop of the commodity that the producers on a farm are able to harvest is less than— (i) with respect to soybeans and sunflowers, the result of multiplying 60 percent (or in the case of producers who obtained crop insurance, if available, for the 1990 crop year of the commodity under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), 65 percent) of the State, area, or county)deld, adjusted for adverse weather conditions during the 1987, 1988, and 1989 crop years, as determined by the Secretary, for such crop by the sum of the acreage planted for harvest and the acreage for which prevented planting credit is approved by the Secretary for such crop under subsection db); (ii) with respect to nonprogram crops (other than as provided in clauses (i) and (iii)), the result of multiply- ing 60 percent (or in the case of producers who obtained crop insurance, if available, for the 1990 crop year of the commodity under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), 65 percent) of the yield established by the Commodity Credit Corporation under subsection (d)(2) for such crop by the sum of the acreage planted for harvest and the acreage for which prevented planting credit is approved by the Secretary for such crop under subsection (b); and (iii) with respect to crops covered in section 201(b) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 144603)), 60 percent (or in the case of producers who obtained crop insurance, if available, for the 1990 crop year of the commodity under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), 65 percent) of the historical annual