Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/698

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104 STAT. 4020 PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 for loans and advances of funds submitted by local exchange carriers under this chapter— (1) to enable such exchange carriers to provide adveuiced telecommunications services in rural areas; and (2) that contain elements of any telecommunications project approved by the Administrator under this chapter that will be completed by such local telephone exchange carriers but that is not covered by any grant made under this chapter. (f) GRANT APPROVAL PROCESS. — (1) MODIFICATIONS. — The Administrator may request modifications or changes in any proposal described in a grant application submitted under this chapter. (2) LEVELS OF FUNDING. — (A) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator may offer to fund grant applications under this chapter at any levels that the Administrator considers appropriate but not exceeding any percentage levels described in this chapter. (B) CONSIDERATIONS. — After taking into consideration the nationwide demands for grant assistance and the costs and benefits of any proposed purchases or leases of telecommunications transmission facilities, telecommunications terminal equipment, computer network components, and other equipment or facilities, the Administrator shall make grants based on— (i) the worthiness of the application; (ii) the financial needs of the applicant; (iii) the need of the affected rural communities for the proposed projects; and (iv) other factors determined appropriate by the Administrator. (g) JOINT USE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRANSMISSIONS FACILI- TiES. — In issuing regulations implementing this chapter, and in requesting changes in, or approving applications for grants, the Administrator shall give a priority, to the extent reasonable and appropriate, to provide funding for such facilities that can be jointly shared by projects established under this chapter. (h) EXPEDITED LOANS FOR TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES. — (1) IN GENERAL.— Grants to cover the costs of installing telecommunication transmission facilities shall not be provided to approved end users if the local telephone exchange carrier providing telephone service, as defined in section 203(a) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 924(a)), will install such facilities through the use of expedited telephone loans as described in subsection (e) under the conditions and deadlines described in this section or through other financing procedures. (2) NOTIFICATION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIER. —Each applicant for a grant for a rural telecommunications program established under this chapter shall notify the appropriate local telephone exchange carrier regarding the application filed with the Administrator for such grant and shall attempt to work with such carrier in developing the rural telecommunications project. The Administrator shall publish notice of applications received for grants under this chapter for rural telecommunications programs and shall make such applications available for inspection by any provider described in section 2333(3)(F). (3) DEADLINE IMPOSED ON THE ADMINISTRATOR. —Not later than 45 days after the receipt of a completed application for an