Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/906

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104 STAT. 4228 PUBLIC LAW 101-625—NOV. 28, 1990 any program administered by the Secretary, unless the income of the family equals or exceeds oO percent of the median income of the area (as determined by the Secretary with adjustments for smaller and larger families). "(f) PROGRAM COORDINATING COMMITTEE.— "(1) FuNcrnoNS.— Each public housing agency shall, in consultation with the chief executive officer of the unit of general local government, develop an action plan under subsection (g), carry out activities under the local program, and secure commitments of public and private resources through a program coordinating committee established by the public housing agency under this subsection. "(2) MEMBERSHIP.—The program coordinating committee may consist of representatives of the public housing agency, the unit of general local government, the local agencies (if any) responsible for carrying out programs under the Job Training Partnership Act and the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training Program under part F of title IV of the Social Security Act, and other organizations, such as other State and local welfare and employment agencies, public and private education or training institutions, nonprofit service providers, and private businesses. The public housing agency may, in consultation with the chief executive officer of the unit of general local government, utilize an existing entity as the program coordinating committee if it meets the requirements of this subsection. " (g) ACTION PLAN.— "(1) REQUIRED SUBMISSION. — The Secretary shall require each public housing agency participating in the self-sufficiency program under this section to submit to the Secretary, for approval by the Secretary, an action plan under this subsection in such form and in accordance with such procedures as the Secretary shall require. "(2) DEVELOPMENT OF PLAN.— In developing the plan, the public housing agency shall consult with the chief executive officer of the applicable unit of general local government, the program coordinating committee established under subsection (f), representatives of residents of the public housing, any local agencies responsible for programs under the Job Training Partnership Act and the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training Program under part F of title IV of the Social Security Act, other appropriate organizations (such as other State and local welfare and employment or training institutions, child care providers, nonprofit service providers, and private businesses), and any other public and private service providers affected by the operation of the local program. "(3) CONTENTS OF PLAN.— The Secretary shall require that the action plan contain at a minimum— (A) a description of the size, characteristics, and needs of the population of the families expected to participate in the local self-sufficiency program; "(B) a description of the number of eligible participating families who can reasonably be expected to receive supportive services under the program, based on available and anticipated Federal, State, local, and private resources; "(C) a description of the services and activities under subsection (c)(2) to be provided to families receiving assistance under this section through the section 8 and public