Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/196

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104 STAT. 4586 PUBLIC LAW 101-636—NOV. 28, 1990 Public Law 101-636 101st Congress An Act To restructure repayment terms and conditions for loans made by the Secretary of Nov. 28, 1990 the Interior to the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts for the recon- [S. 1859] struction of the Filene Center in Wolf Trap Farm Park in Fairfax County, Virginia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. REPAYMENT OF LOANS MADE WITH RESPECT TO WOLF TRAP FARM PARK. Section 4(b) of the Wolf Trap Farm Park Act (16 U.S.C. 284c(b)) is amended— (1) by inserting "(1)" after "(b)"; and (2) by inserting at the end the following: "(2)(A) The term of the loans made pursuant to paragraph (1) which are outstanding on the effective date of this paragraph may not exceed the 25-year period beginning on such date. The remaining obligation of such loans shall be paid in equal annual installments, commencing June 1, 1991, except that for the first 3 payments, the payment shall be $215,000 each year. In addition, such payments (including the first 3 payments) may be reduced in any year by a credit not to exceed $60,000 annually. Such credit shall equal 100 percent of the market value of public service tickets determined at prevailing Foundation box office prices. Such credit shall be allowed only for tickets contributed to entities holding a status referred to in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. "(B)(i) Unpaid interest on such amount which accrued before the effective date of this paragraph is hereby forgiven, "(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), there shall be no interest on the loan referred to in subparagraph (A) after the effective date of this paragraph if, within 120 days after such date, the Foundation modifies its agreement with the Secretary to implement this paragraph, paragraph (3), and section 5(c)(4). If such agreement is not modified within the 120-day period, interest shall accrue from the effective date of this paragraph in accordance with paragraph (1). "(C) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, amounts paid to the Secretary pursuant to this paragraph may be retained until expended by the Secretary, in consultation with the Foundation, for the maintenance of structures, facilities, and equipment of the Park. "(D) The Secretary shall, within 120 days after the effective date of this paragraph, submit a payment schedule to the Foundation specifying the amount of each annual payment to be made by the Foundation pursuant to this paragraph. "(3) If the Foundation is in default on its obligations under this subsection for more than 60 consecutive days, the Secretary, acting in the public interest, shall terminate the cooperative agreement described in section 5. In the event of a major catastrophe or severe economic situation, the Secretary may submit to the Committee on