Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/341

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PUBLIC LAW 101-645—NOV. 29, 1990 104 STAT. 4731 during the preceding fiscal year and of the recipients of such amounts; and "(2) determining whether such amounts were expended in accordance with the provisions of this part. "(b) AVAILABILITY TO PUBLIC OF REPORTS.— The Secretary may not make payments under section 521 unless the State involved agrees to make copies of the reports described in subsection (a) available for public inspection. " (c) E>VALUATiONS BY Ck>MPTROLLER GENERAL. —The Comptroller General of the United States in cooperation with the National Institute of Mental Health, shall evaluate at least once every 3 years the expenditures of grants under this part by eligible entities in order to ensure that expenditures are consistent with the provisions of this part, and shall include in such evaluation recommendations regarding changes needed in program des^ or operations. "SEC. 529. REQUIREMENT OF APPLICATION. "The Secretary may not make payments under section 521 unless the State involved— "(1) submits to the Secretary an application for the pa3anents containing sigreements and information in accordance with this part; "(2) the agreements are made through certification from the chief executive officer of the State; and "(3) the application otherwise is in such form, is made in such manner, and contains such agreements, assurances, and information as the Secretary determines to be necessary to carry out this part. "SEC. 530. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. "The Secretary, through the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, shall provide technical assistance to eligible entities in developing planning and operating programs in accordance with the provisions of this part. "SEC. 531. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AGREEMENTS. "(a) REPAYMENT OF PAYMENTS. — "(1) The Secretary may, subject to subsection (c), require a State to repay any payments received by the State under section 521 that the Secretary determines were not expended by the State in accordance with the agreements required to be contained in the application submitted by the State pursuant to section 529. "(2) If a State fails to make a repayment required in paragraph (1), the Secretary may offset the amount of the repay- ment against the amount of any payment due to be paid to the State under section 521. "(b) WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS.— "(1) The Secretary may, subject to subsection (c), withhold payments due under section 521 if the Secretary determines that the State involved is not expending amounts received under such section in accordance with the agreements required to be contained in the application submitted by the State pursuant to section 529. "(2) The Secretary shall cease withholding payments from a State under paragraph (1) if the Secretary determines that 42 USC 290CC-29. 42 USC 290CC-30. 42 USC 290CC-31.