Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/483

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PUBLIC LAW 101-647—NOV. 29, 1990 104 STAT. 4873 "(iii) the amount of, and any cost incurred in connection with, any judgment or penalty imposed with respect to any claim, proceeding, or action. "(C) PAYMENT. —The term 'payment' includes— "(i) any direct or indirect transfer of any funds or any asset; and "(ii) any segregation of any funds or assets for the purpose of making, or pursuant to an agreement to make, any payment after the date on which such funds or assets are segregated, without regard to whether the obligation to make such payment is contingent on— "(I) the determination, after such date, of the liability for the payment of such amount; or "(11) the liquidation, after such date, of the amount of such payment. " (6) CERTAIN COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE NOT TREATED AS COVERED BENEFIT PAYMENT. —No provision of this subsection shall be construed as prohibiting any credit union from purchasing any commercial insurance policy or fidelity bond, except that, subject to any requirement described in paragraph (5)(A)(iii), such insurance policy or bond shall not cover any legal or liability expense of the credit union which is described in paragraph (5)(A).". SEC. 2524. AMENDMENTS RELATING TO CIVIL FORFEITURE. Section 981 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subsection (a)(1)(C)— (A) by inserting "1032," after "1014,"; and (B) by inserting "or a violation of section 1341 or 1343 of such title affecting a financial institution" before the period; (2) in subsection (b)— (A) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively; and (B) by striking all that appears before subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph) and inserting the following: "G)X1) Any property— "(A) subject to forfeiture to the United States under subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (a)(1) of this section— "(i) may be seized by the Attorney General; or "(ii) in the case of property involved in a violation of section 5313(a) or 5324 of title 31, United States Code, or section 1956 or 1957 of this title investigated by the Secretary of the Treasury or the United States Postal Service, may be seized by the Secretary of the Treasury or the Postal Service; and "(B) subject to forfeiture to the United States under subparagraph (C) of subsection (a)(1) of this section may be seized by the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Postal Service. "(2) Property shall be seized under paragraph (1) of this subsection upon process issued pursuant to the Supplemental Rules for certain Admiralty and Maritime Claims by any district court of the United States having jurisdiction over the property, except that seizure without such process may be made when—";