Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/770

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104 STAT. 5160 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—JULY 10, 1990 other nonselective fishing techniques, which underscore the need for special safeguards for whale survival; Whereas the International Whaling Commission has not yet demonstrated its capability for strict and truly international monitoring and enforcement, and for insistence on humane killing methods; Whereas powerful moral and ethical questions have been raised regarding the killing of whales for profit; and Whereas a full decade free of whale killing for commercial purposes is the bare minimum necessary to seek satisfactory answers to the questions, concerns, and uncertainties cited above: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) United States policy should promote the maximum conservation and protection of the world's whale populations; (2) toward that goal, the United States should work to continue the International Whaling Commission moratorium on the commercial killing of whales and maintain zero catch limits for all whale stocks for at least another decade, that is, to the year 2000 or beyond; (3) in addition, the United States should work to strengthen the International Whaling Commission as the indispensable organization for safeguarding for future generations the great natural resources represented by the whale stocks, and should encourage the Commission to establish and carry out long-term programs of nonlethal research and comprehensive assessment for all whale stocks on a global basis, including small cetaceans; and (4) in so promoting the conservation and protection of the world's whale populations, the United States should make the fullest use of diplomatic channels, appropriate domestic and international law, and all other available means. Agreed to June 29, 1990. July 10, 1990 HONORABLE WILLIAM D. FORD PORTRAIT [H. Con. Res. 272] PRESENTATION—HOUSE PRINT Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the transcript of proceedings of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of the House of Representatives on March 21, 1990, incident to presentation of a portrait of the Honorable William D. Ford, shall be printed as a House document, with illustrations and suitable binding. SEC. 2. In addition to the usual number, 125 casebound copies of such document shall be printed for the use of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of the House of Representatives. Agreed to July 10, 1990.