Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/912

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104 STAT. 5302 PROCLAMATION 6144—JUNE 11, 1990 Proclamation 6144 of June 11, 1990 State-Supported Homes for Veterans Week, 1990 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation When they served as active members of the United States Armed Forces, our Nation's veterans often endured great risks and hardships to defend the hves and Uberty of others. As a measure of the lasting respect and gratitude we owe to each of them, our Nation has developed a system of benefits for its veterans and established a Cabinetlevel Department to administer those benefits. The fifty States have likewise established government agencies to assist veterans. One of the most important functions of these State agencies has been to operate homes dedicated to providing needed care for ill, elderly, or disabled veterans. Shortly after the Civil War, a number of States established homes for disabled soldiers and sailors. The first State veterans home was founded in 1864 by the State of Connecticut. Today there are 60 State-supported homes for veterans in 37 States across the country. According to the Department of Veterans Af- fairs, State homes for veterans provided 4.8 million days of care for veterans last year alone. State homes for veterans were originally built or acquired with State funds and operated entirely at State expense. In 1888, however, the Federal Government began to cover part of the cost of the care borne by the States. Later, the Congress authorized Federal matching grants to assist States in constructing nursing homes and domiciliary facilities. These grants also assist the States in expanding or otherwise remodeling existing buildings for the provision of domiciliary care, nursing services, and other medical services to veterans. By providing needed care to our veterans, the States help the Federal Government to carry out an important responsibility. We take pride in this long-standing example of a constructive Federal-State partnership. Those dedicated to promoting the interests of our Nation's veterans have long appreciated the importance of State veterans homes. With the aging of the veteran population. State homes are becoming an increasingly valuable resource. Indeed, in the years ahead. State homes will play a critical role in helping to meet rising demands for nursing services and domiciliary care among veterans. To enhance public awareness of the importance of State homes for veterans, the Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 231, has designated the week of June 10 through June 16, 1990, as "State-Supported Homes for Veterans Week" and has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this week. NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the week of June 10 through June 16, 1990, as State-Supported Homes for Veterans Week. I call upon the American people to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of June, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety, and