Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/973

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PROCLAMATION 6175—SEPT. 6, 1990 104 STAT. 5363 Dr. Andrej Barcak Minister of Foreign Trade Washington, 12 April 1990 Dear Ambassador Hills: I have the honor to confirm receipt of your letter which reads as follows: Dear Mr. Minister: I have the honor to confirm the following understanding reached between the delegations of the Czechoslovak Federative Republic and the United States of America in the course of negotiating the Agreement on Trade Relations signed on this day. State-to-State Trade Agreements With reference to paragraph 1 of Article II, the Government of Czechoslovakia confirms its policy to reduce the role in its foreign trade of state-to-state trade agreements which provide for imports of specified quantities of goods. Commercial Representations The Government of Czechoslovakia will make every effort to ensure prompt passage of its proposed legislation changing the authorization process for commercial representations to a simple registration process. If these legislative proposals do not become law by December 31, 1990, the Government of Czechoslovakia agrees to consult with the Government of the United States in order to agree on appropriate measures to realize the intent of this understanding. Registration to Engage in Foreign Trade Both Parties affirm their intention to promote the broadest possible opportunities for direct trade between their nationals and companies. In order to meet this objective, the Government of Czechoslovakia confirms its policy to liberalize completely but gradually the Czechoslovak foreign trade system including the complete but gradual replacement of the authorization requirement for economic entities engaging in foreign commerce with a simple registration procedure. The first measures in this respect will be taken on as broad a basis as possible in the amendment to the existing law which will be submitted by the Government of Czechoslovakia to the Federal Assembly in a short time and the Government will exert its best efforts to obtain enactment of and to implement the change no later than July 1, 1990, The successive substantial changes will follow along with the transition of the Czechoslovak economy towards an economy based on the principles of market economy during the year 1991. If the simple registration system has not been implemented by September 30, 1991, the Government of Czechoslovakia will consult with the Government of the United States, in accordance with Article XV, in order to agree on appropriate measures to realize the intent of this understanding.