Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/14

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xiv LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 102-185 To amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to provide appropriate Dec. 4, 1991 1280 procedures for the appointment of the Chairman of the United States International Trade Commission. 102-186 National Sea Grant College Program Authorization Act of Dec. 4, 1991 1282 1991. 102-187 To make a technical correction in Public Law 101-549 Dec. 4, 1991 1285 102-188 To authorize and request the President to proclaim 1992 Dec. 4, 1991 1286 as the "Year of the American Indiem". 102-189 Designating the week beginning December 1, 1991, and Dec. 4, 1991 1288 the week beginning November 15, 1992, each as "Geography Awareness Week". 102-190 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1992 Dec. 5, 1991 1290 and 1993. 102-191 Women's Business Development Act of 1991 Dec. 5, 1991 1589 102-192 Designating the month of November 1991, as "National Dec. 5, 1991:.... 1592 Accessible Housing Month". 102-193 To temporarily extend the Defense Production Act of 1950 Dec. 6, 1991 1593 102-194 High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 Dec. 9, 1991 1594 102-195 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authori- Dec. 9, 1991 1605 zation Act, Fiscal Year 1992. 102-196 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to carry out a study Dec. 9, 1991 1620 and make recommendations to the Congress regarding the feasibility of establishing a Native American cultural center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 102-197 Approving the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment Dec. 9, 1991 1622 with respect to the products of the Union of Soviet Socifdist Republics. 102-198 To make certain technical corrections in the Judicial Im- Dec. 9, 1991 1623 provements Act of 1990 and other provisions of law relating to the courts. 102-199 To amend the Federal charter for the Boys' Clubs of Dec. 10, 1991 1628 America to reflect the change of the name of the organization to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. 102-200 To amend title 28, United States Code, to make changes Dec. 10, 1991 1630 in the composition of the Eastern and Western Districts of Virginia. 102-201 Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument Dec. 10, 1991 1631 102-202 To authorize additional appropriations for land acquisi- Dec. 10, 1991 1634 tion at Monocacy National Battlefield, Maryland. 102-203 To designate the building in St. Louis, Missouri, which is Dec. 10, 1991 1635 currently known as the Wellston Station, as the "Gwen B. Giles Post Office Building". 102-204 Patent and Trademark Office Authorization Act of 1991.... Dec. 10, 1991 1636 102-205 To waive the period of Congressional review for certeiin Dec. 10, 1991 1643 District of Columbia acts. 102-206 Designating January 5, 1992 through January 11, 1992 as Dec. 10, 1991 1644 "National Law Enforcement Training Week". 102-207 To designate the week beginning February 16, 1992, as Dec. 10, 1991 1646 "National Visiting Nurse Associations Week". 102-208 Designating the month of May 1992 as "National Trauma Dec. 10, 1991 1648 Awareness Month". 102-209 Designating December 1991 as "Bicentennial of the Dis- Dec. 10, 1991 1649 trict of Columbia Month". 102-210 Designating December 21, 1991, as "Basketball Centennial Dec. 10, 1991 1651 Day". 102-211 To authorize the National Park Service to acquire and Dec. 11, 1991 1652 manage the Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site, and for other purposes.