Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/532

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105 STAT. 1484 PUBLIC LAW 102-190—DEC. 5, 1991 (c) SOURCE OF LOAN FUNDS. —The Secretary of Defense shall transfer, to the extent provided in advance in appropriation Acts, funds of the Department of Defense to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration as those funds are actually required for loans under subsection (a). The total amount so transferred may not exceed $30,000,000. The funds shall be transferred only from amounts made available to the Department of Defense pursuant to the authorization of appropriations contained in sections 4103(b) and 4203(a) of the Defense Economic Adjustment, Diversification, Conversion, and Stabilization Act of 1990 (division D of Public Law 101-510; 104 Stat. 1851, 1853). No funds other than the funds transferred under this subsection shall be used by the Administrator to provide loans under subsection (a). (d) EuGiBLE SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS. —A small business concern referred to in subsection (a) is a small business concern that— (1) has suffered economic injury as a result of the emergency deployment of members and units of the Armed Forces in connection with the Persian Gulf conflict; and (2) has been unable to obtain credit elsewhere. (e) APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS.—To receive a loan under subsection (a), an eligible small business concern shall submit an application to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration in such form and containing such information as the Administrator may require by regulation. The Administrator may not accept an application for a loan under subsection (a) if the application is submitted after the end of the 180-day period beginning on the date on which the Administrator first accepts such applications. (f) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this section: (1) The term "small business concern" has the meaning given that term in section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632). (2) The term "county" includes other equivalent political subdivisions of a State. (g) REGULATIONS.—The Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall prescribe regulations to carry out this section not later than 10 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. Section 553 of title 5, United States Code, shall not apply with respect to promulgating such regulations, except that the Administrator may solicit comments in making any modification of such regulations. (h) EXPIRATION OF LOAN AUTHORITY.— The authority of the ' Administrator of the Small Business Administration to make loans under subsection (a) shall expire at the end of the 270-day period beginning on the date on which the Administrator first accepts applications for loans under this section. SEC. 1088. ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SUPPORT FOR COUNTER-DRUG ACTIVITIES. (a) SUPPORT TO OTHER AGENCIES,—Section 1004 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (Public Law 101- 10 USC 374 note. 510; 104 Stat. 1629) is amended— (1) in subsection (a), by striking out "During fiscal year 1991," and inserting in lieu thereof "During fiscal years 1991, 1992, s and 1993,"; and (2) in subsection (g), by striking out "under section 1001(1), $50,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "for fiscal year 1992 under section 301(a)(14) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993, $40,000,000".