Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/411

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PUBLIC LAW 102-321—JULY 10, 1992 106 STAT. 379 'SEC. 1912. STATE PLAN FOR COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY MENTAL 42 USC 300x-l. HEALTH SERVICES FOR CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS. "(a) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary may make a grant under section 1911 only if—

    • (1) the State involved submits to the Secretary a plan for

providing comprehensive community mental health services to adults with a serious mental illness and to children with a serious emotional disturbance; "(2) the plan meets the criteria specified in subsection (b); and "(3) the plan is approved by the Secretary. "(b) CRITERIA FOR PLAN.— Witii respect to the provision of comprehensive community mental health services to individuals who are either adults with a serious mental illness or children with a serious emotional disturbance, the criteria referred to in subsection (a) regarding a plan are as follows: "(1) The plan provides for the establishment and implementation of an organized community-based system of care for such individuals. "(2) The plan contains quantitative targets to be achieved in the implementation of such system, including the numbers of such individuals residing in the areas to be served under such system. "(3) The plan describes available services, available treatment options, and available resources (including Federal, State and local public services and resources, and to the extent practicable, private services and resources) to be provided such individuals. "(4) The plan describes health and mental health services, rehabilitation services, employment services, housing services, educational services, medical and dental care, and other support services to be provided to such individuals with Federal, State and local public and private resources to enable such individuals to function outside of inpatient or residential institutions to the maximimi extent of their capabilities, including services to be provided by local school systems under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. "(5) The plan describes the financial resources and staffing necessary to implement the requirements of such plan, including progrsuns to train individuals as providers of mental health services, and the plan emphasizes training of providers of emergency health services regarding mental health. "(6) The plan provides for activities to reduce the rate of hospitalization of such individuals. "(7)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), the plan requires the provision of case management services to each such individual in the State who receives substantial amounts of public funds or services. "(B) The plan may provide that the requirement of subparagraph (A) will not be substantially completed until the end of fiscal year 1993. "(8) The plan provides for the establishment and implementation of a program of outreach to, and services for, such individuals who are homeless. "(9) In the case of children with a serious emotional disturbance, the plan—