Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 1.djvu/797

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PUBLIC LAW 102-325—JULY 23, 1992 106 STAT. 765 circumstances which the Secretary determines would most effectively serve the purposes of this part. The Secretary shall make a determination to provide such 12-month extension of an award to an individual fellowship recipient for study or research upon review of an application for such extension by the recipient. "(2) DOCTORAL DEGREE. —No student enrolled in graduate study leading to a doctoral deg^ree shall receive an award under this part except during periods in which such student is maintaining satisfactory progress in, and devoting essentially full time to study, research (inclu(Ung acting as a teaching assistant or research assistant as may be required as a condition to award a degree), or dissertetion work in the field in which such fellowship was awarded and is not engaging in gainful employment, other than part-time employment by the institution of higher education involved in teaching, research, or similar activities, approved by the Secretary. Such period shall not exceed a total of 3 years, consisting of not more than 2 years of support for study or research, and not more than 1 year of support for dissertation work provided that the student has attained satisfactory progress prior to the dissertation stage. The institution shall provide 2 years of support for each student, including at least 1 year of supervised teaching, following the 2 years of predissertation support under this part. SEC. 924. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. 20 USC 1134g. 'There are authorized to be appropriated $60,000,000 for fiscal year 1993 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years to CEury out this part. "PART C^JACOB K. JAVITS FELLOWSfflP PROGRAM «SEC. 931. AWARD OF JACOB K. JAVITS FELLOWSHIPS. 20 USC 1134h. "(a) AUTHORITY AND TIMING OF AWARDS. —The Secretary is authorized to award fellowships in accordance with the provisions of this part for graduate study in the arts, himianities, and social sciences by studente of superior abihty selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement and exceptional promise. All funds appropriated in a fiscal year shall be obligated and expended to the students for fellowships for use in the academic year beginning after July 1 of the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated. The fellowships shall be awarded for only 1 academic year of study and shall be renewable for a period not to exceed 4 years of study. "(b) DESIGNATION OF FELLOWS.—Students receiving awards under this part shall be known as 'Jacob K. Javits Fellows*. "(c) INTERRUPTIONS OF STUDY. — The institution of higher education may allow a fellowship recipient to interrupt periods of study for a period not to exceed 12 months for the purpose of work, travel, or independent study away from the campus, if such independent study is supportive of the fellowship recipient's academic program and shall continue payments for those 12-month periods during which the student is pursuing travel or independent study supportive of the recipient's academic program.