Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/217

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PUBLIC LAW 102-367 —SEPT. 7, 1992 106 STAT. 1097 "SEC. 504. USE OF INCENTIVE BONUS FUNDS. 29 USC 1791c. "(a) IN GENERAL. — " (1) ALLOCATION. — "(A) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. —During any program year, the Governor may use an amount not to exceed 5 percent of the total bonus payments of a State for administrative costs incurred under this title, including data and information collection and compilation, recordkeeping, or the preparation of applications for incentive bonuses. "(B) DISTRIBUTION OF PAYMENTS. —The amount of incentive bonus payments that remains after the deduction of administrative costs under subparagraph (A) shall be distributed to service delivery areas and Job Corps centers within the State in accordance with an agreement between the Governor and representatives of such areas and centers. Such agreement shall reflect an equitable method of distribution that is based on the degree to which the efforts of such area or center contributed to the qualification of the State for an incentive bonus payment under this title. "(2) SPECIAL RULE. — Not more than 10 percent of the amounts received under this title in any program year by each service delivery area and Job Corps center may be used for the administrative costs of establishing and maintaining systems necessary for operation of programs under this title, including the costs of providing incentive payments described in subsection (b), technical assistance, data and information collection and compilation, management information systems, post-program followup activities, and research and evaluation activities. The balance of funds not so expended shall be used by each service delivery area for activities described in sections 204 and 264, and by each Job Corps center for activities authorized under part B of title IV. "(b) INCENTIVE PAYMENTS TO SERVICE PROVIDERS.— Each service delivery area or Job Corps center may make incentive payments to service providers, including participating State and local agencies, and community-based organizations, that demonstrate effectiveness in delivering employment and training services to individuals such as those described in section 506. "(c) APPLICATION OF SECTION RELATING TO ADMINISTRATIVE ADJU- DICATIONS. —Section 166 (relating to administrative adjudication) shall apply to the distribution of incentive bonus payments under this section. "SEC. 505. NOTICE AND APPLICATION. 29 USC 1791d. "(a) NOTICE OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE.— Any State seeking to participate in the incentive bonus program established under this title shall notify the Secretary of the intent of the State to participate not later than 30 days before the beginning of the first program year of participation. " (b) APPLICATION.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— Any State seeking to receive an incentive bonus under this title shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the Secretary may reasonably require in order to ensure compliance with this title. "(2) CONTENTS. — Each such application shall contain, at a minimum—