Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 2.djvu/645

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PUBLIC LAW 102-388—OCT. 6, 1992 106 STAT. 1525 ing airman, aircraft, and repair station certificates, or for tests related thereto, or for processing migor repair or alteration forms: Provided further. That none of these funds shall be available for new apphcants for the second career training program: Provided further, That, of the funds available under this head, $2,000,000 shall be made available for the Mid-American Aviation Resource Consortiimi in Minnesota to operate an air traffic controller training program: Provided further, Tnat funds may be used to enter into a grant agreement with a nonprofit standard setting organization to assist in the development of^aviation s€ifety standards: Provided further. That none of the funds provided shall be made available for pa^ raises in fiscal year 1993 for FAA employees whose responsibilities include noise abatement policy function, managing aircraft route desi^ or changes, or responsibility for preparing, managing, or overseeing the environmental impact statement mandated by section 9119 of Public Law 101-508 until the final report on such impact statement is issued: Provided further. That of the funds provided, up to $50,000 shall be made available to the New Jersey Coalition Against Aircraft Noise for the provision of technical assistance, in accordemce with the provisions of title 5, United States Code, in reviewing and assessing the draft environmental impact statement issued pursuant to section 9119 of Public Law 101- 508: Provided further. That of the funds available under this heading, $500,000 shall be made available to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation to initiate a definitive studv to evaluate the human factors related to and/or inherent in pilot error. This study will be carried out in conjunction with Ohio State University. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, for acquisition, establishment, and improvement by contract or purchase, and hire of air navigation and experimental facilities and equipment as authorized by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended (49 U.S.C. App. 1301 et seq.), including initial acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant; engineering and service testing including construction of test facilities and acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant; and construction and furnishing of quarters and related accommodations of officers and employees of the Federal Aviation Administration stationed at remote localities where such accommodations are not available; and the purchase, lease or transfer of aircraft from funds available under this head; to be derived from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, $2,350,000,000, of which $2,159,000,000 shall remain available until September 30, 1995, and of which $191,000,000 shall remain available until September 30, 1994: Provided, That there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from States, counties, miuiicipalities, other public authorities, and private sources, for expenses incurred in the establishment and modernization of air navigation facilities: Provided further. That with appropriations made for the Airway Science 49 USC app. program, as authorized below in this section, the Federal Aviation ^^^^a. Administration may hereafter enter into competitive grant agreements with institutions of higher education having airway science curricula, for the Federal share of the allowable direct costs of the following categories of items, to the extent that such items are in support of airway science curricula: (a) the construction,