Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/733

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PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 106 STAT. 2527 in accordance with section 673(2) of the Community Services Block Grant Act (42 U.S.C. 9902(2)). "(c) OTHER AUTHORIZED BENEFITS. — W hi le receiving training or engaging in service projects as members of the Civilian Community Corps, members may be provided the following benefits: "(1) Allowances for travel expenses, personcd expenses, and other expenses. "(2) Quarters. "(3) Subsistence. "(4) Transportation. " (5) Equipment. " (6) Clothing. "(7) Recreational services and supplies.

    • (8) Other services determined by the Director to be consistent with the purposes of the Program.
    • (d) SUPPORTIVE SERVICES.—As the Director determines appropriate, the Director may provide each member of the Corps with

health care services, child care services, coimseling services, and other supportive services.

    • (e) POST SERVICE BENEFITS.—Upon completion of the agreed

period of service with the Corps, a member shall elect to receive the educational assistance under subsection (f) or the cash benefit under subsection (g). "(f) EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE.— "(1) AUTHORITY. — "(A) CORPS MEMBERS COMPLETING AGREED SERVICE.— The Director shall provide educational assistance to each Corps member who— "(i) completes a period of agreed service in the Corps; and "(ii) elects to receive the assistance.


ICE. — The Direc1x>r may provide educational assistance to a Corps member who— "(i) thnmgh no fault on the part of the Corps member, does not complete the period of agreed service; and "(ii) requests the assistance. "(2) AMOUNT.—

    • (A) AMOUNT FOR COMPLETE SERVICE. —The amount of

the educational assistance provided to a Corps member under paragraph (I)(A) shall be— "(i) in the case of a Corps member in the national service program, $5,000 for each period of agreed service in the Corps; and "(ii) in the case of a Coips member in the summer national service program, $1,000 for each period of agreed service in the Corps. "(B) PRORATED AMOUNT FOR INCOMPLETE SERVICE. — The amount of the educational assistance provided to a Corps member under paragraph (I)(B) shall be determined by multiplying— "(i) tifie amount that would be applicable to the member under subparagraph (A) if the member had completed the agreed period of service, by