Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/270

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106 STAT. 3006 PUBLIC LAW 102-486—OCT. 24, 1992 (3) consult with government officials in host countries and, as appropriate, with representatives of utilities or other entities in host countries, to determine interest in and support for potential projects; and (4) determine whether each project selected under this section is developmentally sound, as determined under the criteria developed by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (h) ELIGIBLE TECHNOLOGIES.—Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall prepare a list of eligible technologies and services under this section. In preparing such a list, the Secretary shall consider fuel cell powerplants, aeroderivitive gas turbines and catalytic combustion technologies for aeroderivitive gas turbines, ocean thermal energy conversion technology, anaerobic digester and storage tanks, and other renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. (i) SELECTION OF PROJECTS.— (1) Pursuant to the agreements under subsection (a), the Secretary, through the Agency for International Development, shall, not later than 120 days after receipt of proposals in response to a solicitation under subsection (e), select one or more proposals under this section. (2) In selecting a proposal under this section, the Secretary, through the Agency for International Development, shall consider— (A) the ability of the United States firm, in cooperation with the host country, to undertake and complete the project; (B) the degree to which the equipment to be included in the project is designed and manufactured in the United States; (C) the long-term technical and competitive viability of the United States technology, and services related thereto, and the ability of the United States firm to compete in the development of additional energy projects using such technology in the host country and in other foreign countries; (D) the extent of technical and financial involvement of the host country in the project; (E) the extent to which the proposed project meets the purposes of this section; (F) the extent of technical, financial, management, and marketing capabilities of the participants in the project, and the commitment of the participants to completion of a successful project in a manner that will facilitate acceptance of the United States technology or service for future application; and (G) such other criteria as may be appropriate. (3) In selecting among proposed projects, the Secretary shall seek to ensure that, relative to otherwise comparable projects in the host country, a selected project will meet the following criteria: (A) It will reduce environmental emissions, including greenhouse gases, to an extent greater than required by applicable provisions of law. (B) It will be a more cost-effective technological alternative, based on life cycle capital and operating costs per unit of energy produced and, where applicable, costs per unit of product produced. (C) It will increase the overall efficiency of energy use. Priority in selection shall be given to those projects which, in the judgment of the Secretary, best meet these criteria.