Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/11

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW 103-95 To designate the United States courthouse located at 10th and Main Streets in Riclunond, Virginia, as the "Lewis F. Powell, Jr. United States Courthouse". 103-96 To designate the Federal building in Jacksonville, Florida, as the "Charles E. Bennett Federal Building". 103-97 To redesignate the Pulaski Post Office located at 111 West College Street in Pulaski, Tennessee, as the "Ross Bass Post Office". 103-98 To continue the authorization of appropriations for the East Court of the National Museum of Natural History, and for other purposes. 103-99 To designate the week of October 3, 1993, through October 9, 1993, as "Mental Illness Awareness Week. 103-100.... To designate October 6, 1993 and 1994, as "German- American Day. 103-101.... To authorize appropriations for the American Folklife Center for fiscal years 1994 and 1995, 103-102.... To provide that certain property located in the State of Oklahoma owned by an Indian housing authority for the purpose of providing low-income housing shall be treated as Federal property under the Act of September 30, 1950 (Public Law 874, 81st Congress). 103-103.... Federal Employees Leave Sharing Amendments Act of 1993. 103-104.... To establish the Jemez National Recreation Area in the State of New Mexico, and for other purposes. 103-105.... To provide for the reauthorization of the collection and publication of quarterly financial statistics by the Secretary of Commerce through fiscal year 1998, and for other purposes. 103-106.... National Forest Foundation Act Amendment Act of 1993 103-107.... To designate the months of October 1993 and October 1994 as "Country Music Month". 103-108.... Desimating October 16, 1993, and October 16, 1994, each as World Food Day. 103-109.... To designate October 19, 1993, as "National Mammography Da/'. 103-110.... Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1994 103-111.... Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1994. 103-112.... Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1994. 103-113.... Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1994, and for other purposes. 103-114.... To amend title 5, United States Code, to extend the Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Act of 1978, and for other purposes. 103-115.... To amend the definition of a rural community for eligibility for economic recovery funds, and for other purposes. 103-116.... Catawba Indian Tribe of South Carolina Land Claims Settlement Act of 1993. 103-117.... Designating October 21, 1993, as "National Biomedical Research Day". 103-118.... Designating the week beginning September 18, 1994 as "National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week". 103-119.... To designate the month of October 1993 as "National Down Syndrome Awareness Month". 103-120.... HUD Demonstration Act of 1993 DATE PAGE Oct. 6, 1993 1012 Oct. 6, 1993 1013 Oct. 6, 1993 1014 Oct. 6, 1993 1015 Oct. 6, 1993 1016 Oct. 6, 1993 1018 Oct. 8, 1993 1020 Oct. 8, 1993 1021 Oct. 8, 1993 1022 Oct. 12, 1993 1025 Oct. 12, 1993 1030 Oct. 12, 1993 1031 Oct. 12, 1993 1033 Oct. 18, 1993 1034 Oct. 18, 1993 1036 Oct. 21, 1993 1037 Oct. 21, 1993 1046 Oct. 21, 1993 1082 Oct. 21, 1993 1114 Oct. 26, 1993 1115 Oct. 26, 1993 1117 Oct. 27, 1993 1118 Oct. 27, 1993 1139 Oct. 27, 1993 1141 Oct. 27, 1993 1142 Oct. 27, 1993 1144