Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/129

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PUBLIC LAW 103-111 —OCT. 21, 1993 107 STAT. 1081 (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS; REQUIREMENT REGARDING NOTICE. — (1) PURCHASE OF AMERICAN-MADE EQUIPMENT AND PROD- UCTS. —In the case of any equipment or product that may be authorized to be purchased with financial assistance provided using funds made available in this Act, it is the sense of the Congress that entities receiving the assistance should, in expending the assistance, purchase only American-made equipment and products. (2) NOTICE TO RECIPIENTS OF ASSISTANCE. — In providing financial assistance using funds made available in this Act, the head of each Federal agency shall provide to each recipient of the assistance a notice describing the statement made in paragraph (1) by the Congress. (c) PROHIBITION OF CONTRACTS WITH PERSONS FALSELY LABEL- ING PRODUCTS AS MADE IN AMERICA. — If it has been finally determined by a court or Federal agency that any person intentionally affixed a label bearing a "Made in America" inscription, or any inscription with the same meaning, to any product sold in or shipped to the United States that is not made in the United States, the person shall be ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds made available in this Act, pursuant to the debarment, ^^uspension, and ineligibility procedures described in sections 9.400 through 9.409 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations. SEC. 728. (a) None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made 7 USC 1446h available by this Act shall be used by the Secretary of Agriculture ' ^°*®- to provide a total amount of pa3mients to a person to support the price of honey under section 207 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1446h) and section 405A of such Act (7 U.S.C. 1425a) in excess of $0 in the 1994 crop year. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act shall be used by the Secretary of Agriculture to provide for a total amount of payments and/or total amount of loan forfeitures to a person to support the price of honey under section 207 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1446h) and section 405A of such Act (7 U.S.C. 1425a) in excess of zero dollars in the 1994 crop year. SEC. 729. Section 712 of this Act shall have no effect. This Act may be cited as the "Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1994". Approved October 21, 1993. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 2493: HOUSE REPORTS: Nos. 103-153 (Comm. on Appropriations) and 103-212 (Comm. of Conference). SENATE REPORTS: No. 103-102 (Comm. on Appropriations). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 139 (1993): June 29, considered and passed House. July 26, 27, considered and passed Senate, amended. Aug. 6, House agreed to conference report; receded and concurred in certain Senate amendments, in others with amendments. Sept. 23, Senate agreed to conference report; receded and concurred in certain House amendments, in others with amendments. Sept. 30, House concurred in certain Senate amendment, in another with an amendment. Oct. 14, Senate concurred in House amendment. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 29 (1993): Oct. 21, Presidential statement. 69-194O-94-5:QL.3Part2