Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/179

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PUBLIC LAW 103-116—OCT. 27, 1993 107 STAT. 1131 net income of the Trust Fund allocable to such Member's share as of the date of distribution. (C) No member may elect to have their pro rata share managed by this Trust Fund for a period of more than 21 years after the date of publication of the final base membership roll. (5)(A) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the pro rata share of any Member who has not attained the age of 21 years on the date the final base membership roll is published shall be managed, invested and administered pursuant to the provisions of this section until such Member has attained the age of 21 years, at which time such Member's pro rata share shall be paid, together with the net income of the Trust Fund allocable to such Member's share as of the date of payment. Such Members shall be paid their pro rata share of this Trust Fund on the date they attain 21 years of age unless they elect in writing to leave their pro rata share in the Trust Fund, in which case such share shall not be distributed. (B) The pro rata share of such Members who elect not to withdraw their payment from this Trust Fund shall be managed, invested and administered, together with the funds of members who have not attained the age of 21 years on the date the final base membership roll is published, until such Member requests in writing that their pro rata share be distributed, at which time such Member's pro rata share shall be paid, together with the net income of the Trust Fund allocable to such Member's share as of the date of distribution. (C) No Member may elect to have their pro rata share retained and managed by this Trust Fund beyond the expiration of the period of 21 years after the date of publication of the final base membership roll. (6) After payments have been made to all Members entitled to receive payments, this Trust Fund shall terminate, and any balance remaining in this Trust Fund shall be merged into the Economic Development Trust Fund, the Education Trust Fund, or the Social Services and Elderly Assistance Trust Fund, as the Tribe may determine. (i) DURATION OF TRUST FUNDS.— Subject to the provisions of this section and with the exception of the Catawba Per Capita Payment Trust Fund, the Trust Funds established in accordance with this section shall continue in existence so long as the Tribe exists and is recognized by the United States. The principal of these Trust Funds shall not be invaded or distributed except as expressly authorized in this Act or in the Settlement Agreement. (j) TRANSFER OF MONEY AMONG TRUST FUNDS. —The Tribe, in consultation with the Secretary, shall have the authority to transfer principal and accumulated income between Trust Funds only as follows: (1) Funds may be transferred among the Catawba Economic Development Trust Fund, the Catawba Land Acquisition Trust Fund, and the Catawba Social Services and Elderly Assistance Trust Fund, and from any of those three Trust Funds into the Catawba Education Trust Fund; except, that the mandatory share of State, local, and private sector funds invested in the original corpus of the Catawba Education Trust Fund shall not be transferred to any other Trust Fund. (2) Any Trust Fund, except for the Catawba Education Trust Fund, may be dissolved by a vote of two-thirds of those