Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/184

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107 STAT. 1136 PUBLIC LAW 103-116—OCT. 27, 1993 the Tribe from any liability arising out of any loss incurred by the Tribe as a result of the unapproved lease. (m) NON-APPLICABILITY OF BIA LAND ACQUISITION REGULA- TIONS. —The general land acquisition regulations of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, contained in part 151 of title 25, Code of Federal Regulations, shall not apply to the acquisition of lands authorized by this section. 25 USC 941k. SEC. 13. NON -RESERVATION PROPERTIES. (a) ACQUISITION OF NON-RESERVATION PROPERTIES. —The Tribe may draw upon the corpus or accumulated income of the Catawba Land Acquisition Trust Fund or the Catawba Economic Development Trust Fund to acquire and hold parcels of real estate outside the Reservation for the purposes and in the manner delineated in the Settlement Agreement. Jurisdiction and status of all non- Reservation lands shall be governed by section 15 of the Settlement Agreement. (b) AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF LANDS.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Tribe may lease, sell, mortgage, restrict, encumber, or otherwise dispose of such non-Reservation lands in the same manner as other persons and entities under State law, and the Tribe as land owner shall be subject to the same obligations and responsibilities as other persons and entities under State, Federal, and local law. (c) RESTRICTIONS.— Ownership and transfer of non-Reservation parcels shall not be subject to Federal law restrictions on alienation, including (but not limited to) the restrictions imposed by Federal common law and the provisions of section 2116 of the Revised Statutes (25 U.S.C. 177). 25 USC 941/. SEC. 14. GAMES OF CHANCE. (a) INAPPLICABILITY OF INDIAN GAMING REGULATORY ACT. — The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.) shall not apply to the Tribe. (b) GAMES OF CHANCE GENERALLY.— The Tribe shall have the rights and responsibilities set forth in the Settlement Agreement and the State Act with respect to the conduct of games of chance. Except as specifically set forth in the Settlement Agreement and the State Act, all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the State, and its political subdivisions, shall govern the regulation of gambling devices and the conduct of gambling or wagering by the Tribe on and off the Reservation. 25 USC 941m. SEC. 15. GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) SEVERABILITY. — If any provision of section 4(a), 5, or 6 of this Act is rendered invalid by the final action of a court, then all of this Act is invalid. Should any other section of this Act be rendered invalid by the final action of a court, the remaining sections of this Act shall remain in full force and effect. (b) INTERPRETATION CONSISTENT WITH SETTLEMENT AGREE- MENT.— To the extent possible, this Act shall be construed in a manner consistent with the Settlement Agreement and the State Act. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Act and the Settlement Agreement or the State Act, the terms of this Act shall govern. In the event of a conflict between the State Act and the Settlement Agreement, the terms of the State Act shall govern. The Settlement Agreement and the State Act shall