Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/264

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107 STAT. 1216 PUBLIC LAW 103-122 —OCT. 27, 1993 AVIATION INFORMATION MANAGEMENT For expenses necessary to discharge the functions of Aviation Information Management, $2,521,000: Provided, That there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from States, counties, municipalities, other public authorities, and private sources for expenses incurred for training, for reports publication and dissemination, and for aviation information management: Provided further, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, there may be credited to this appropriation up to $1,000,000 in funds received from user fees established to support the electronic tariff filing system: Provided further. That there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from user fees established to defray the costs of obtaining, preparing, and publishing in automatic data processing tape format the United States International Air Travel Statistics data base published by the Department. EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION For expenses necessary to discharge the functions of Emergency Transportation and for expenses for conducting research and aevelopment, $842,000: Provided, That there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from States, counties, municipalities, other public authorities, and private sources for expenses incurred for training, and for reports puolication and dissemination. RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY For expenses necessary to discharge the functions of Research and Technology and for expenses for conducting research and development, $1,766,000, of which $585,000 shall remain available until expended: Provided, That there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from States, counties, municipalities, other public authorities, and private sources for expenses incurred for training, and for reports publication and dissemination. PROGRAM AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT For expenses necessary to discharge the functions of Program and Administrative Support, $6,279,000, of which $180,000 shall be derived from the Pipeline Safety Fund: Provided, TTiat there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from States, counties, municipalities, other public authorities, and private sources for expenses incurred for training, and for reports publication and dissemination: Provided further. That no employees other than those compensated under this appropriation shall serve in the Office of the Administrator, the Office of Policy and Programs, the Office of Management and Administration, and the Office of the Chief Counsel. PIPELINE SAFETY (PIPELINE SAFETY FUND) For expenses necessary to conduct the functions of the pipeline safety program, for grants-in-aid to carry out a pipeline safety program, as authorized by section 5 of the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 and the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979, and to discharge the pipeline program responsibilities