Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/32

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107 STAT. 984 PUBLIC LAW 103-89 —SEPT. 30, 1993 (i) the rate of basic pay determined under this section for an employee shall be treated as a rate of basic pay described in section 5302(8) of such title; i (ii) the position then currently occupied by an employee who is subject to this section shall be deemed to be a "General Schedule position" within the meaning f'-' of section 5302(9) of such title; and (iii) any employee who is subject to this section shall be considered to be a "General Schedule


employee" (as referred to in section 302(b) of FEPCA). (B) SPECIAL RULES RELATING TO PROVISIONS GOVERNING STEP-INCREASES.—For purposes of applying the provisions of sections 5335 and 5336 of title 5, United States Code, with respect to any employee who is subject to this section— (i) any reference in such provisions to a "stepincrease" shall be considered to mean an increase equal to one-ninth of the difference between the minimum and maximum rates of pay for the applicable grade of the General Schedule; (ii) any reference in such provisions to the "next higher rate within the grade" shall be considered to ^ mean the rate of basic pay which exceeds such employ- ee's then current rate of basic pay by the amount of a step-increase; (iii) if the employee's ra:te of basic pay is less than the rate for pay rate 4 of the applicable grade, such employee's rate of basic pay shall be governed by paragraph (1) of section 5335(a) of such title; (iv) if the employee's rate of basic pay is equal to or greater than the rate for pay rate 4 but less than the rate for pay rate 7 of the applicable grade, such employee's rate of basic pay shall be governed by paragraph (2) of section 5335(a) of such title; and (v) if the employee's rate of basic pay is equal to or greater than the rate for pay rate 7 but less than the maximum rate of the applicable grade, such employee's rate of basic pay shall be governed by paragraph (3) of section 5335(a) of such title. No rate of basic pay for an employee may be increased, as a result of this subparagraph (or any provision of law to which any clause of this subparagraph relates), if or to the extent that the resulting rate would exceed the maximum rate for the grade of the position occupied by such employee, (d) REGULATIONS. —The Office of Personnel Management shall prescribe any regulations which may be necessary for the administration of this section. SEC. S. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 5 USC 5335 note. (a) COORDINATION RuLE. —Notwithstanding the amendment made by section 3(b)(l)(H)(ii), an increase in pay granted under section 5404 of title 5, United States Code, before November 1, 1993, shall be deemed to be an equivalent increase in pay within the meaning of section 5335(a) of such title. 5 USC 5401 note. (b) PERFORMANCE AWARDS. — Notwithstanding section 2, for purposes of appl3ring section 5406 of title 5, United States Code, the