Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/526

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107 STAT. 1478 PUBLIC LAW 103-139—NOV. 11, 1993 (4) the strategy by which the President proposes to fund the operation, including possible supplemental appropriations or payments from international organizations, foreign countries or other donors; (5) the extent of involvement of armed forces and other contributions of personnelfrt>mother nations; (6) the operation's anticipated duration and scope; (c) subsection (a) does not apply with respect to an international humanitarian assistance operation carried out in response to natural disasters; or to any other international humanitarian assistance operation if the President reports to Congress that the estimated cost of such operation is less than $50,000,000. (2) Further, it is the sense of the Congress— (a) that the President should seek a supplementel appropriation to defray the costs of United States militery operations in Somalia in order to restore needed operation and maintenance funds for United States Armed Forces; (b) that the President should seek supplementel appropriations for any significant future deployment of United States Armed Forces when such forces are to perform or have been performing international humaniterian, peacekeeping or peacenforcement operations. Contracts. SEC. 8154. The Department shall ensure that the A-6 rewing contracts are terminated this fiscal year: Provided, That none of the funds recouped by the Department through the termination of the A-6 rewing program shall be available for obligation or expenditure during this fiscal year. SEC. 8155. None of the funds available to the Department of Defense shall be available to make progress payments based on costs to large business concerns at rates in excess of 75 percent on contract solicitetions issued after enactment of this Act. SEC. 8156. Not to exceed $100,000,000 of the funds provided in this Act may be made available for payment to non-United States government entities for logistical support of Somalia operations: Provided, That the Congressional Defense Committees are notified in advance of any obligations providing such support: Provided further, That any funds obligated pursuant to this authority shall be reimbursed by the United Nations to the Department of Defense to the originating appropriations. TITLE DC SEC. 9001. Congress makes the following findings: (1) The Armed Forces of the United States have conducted combat operations under the operational control of foreign commanders on numerous occasions, including during two World Wars. (2) Regional security organizations, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, are premised on militery operations by the forces of a number of nations under an integrated chain of command consisting of officers from member nations. (3) The end of the Cold War has seen a substantial increase in the conduct of international "peacekeeping" and "peace enforcement" operations pursuant to decisions of the United Nations Security Council under Chapters VI and VII of the United Nations Charter.