Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/608

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107 STAT. 1560 PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 Sec. 2819. Land acquisition, Navy Large Cavitation Channel, Memphis, Tennessee. Sec. 2820. Release of reversionary interest. Old Spanish Trail Armory, Harris County^ Texas. Sec. 2821. Grant of easement. West Loch Branch, Naval Magazine Lualualei, Hawaii. Sec. 2822. Review of proposed land exchange, Fort Sheridan, Illinois, and Arlington County, Virginia. Subtitle C—Changes to Existing Land Transaction Authority Sec. 2831. Modification of land conveyance. New London, Connecticut. Sec. 2832. Modification of termination of lease and sale of facilities. Naval Reserve Center, Atlanta, Georgia. Sec. 2833. Modification of lease authority. Naval Supply Center, Oakland, California. Sec. 2834. Expansion of land transaction authority involving Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, California. Subtitle D—Land Transactions Involving Utilities Sec. 2841. Conveyance of natural gas distribution system. Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Sec. 2842. Conveyance of water distribution system. Fort Lee, Virginia. Sec. 2843. Conveyance of waste water treatment facility. Fort Pickett, Virginia. Sec. 2844. Conveyance of water distribution system and reservoir, Stewart Army Subpost, New York. Sec. 2845. Conveyance of electric power distribution system. Naval Air Station, Alameda, California. Sec. 2846. Conveyance of electricity distribution system, Fort Dix, New Jersey. Sec. 2847. Lease and joint use of certain real property. Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California. Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 2851. Conveyance of real property at missile sites to adjacent landowners. Sec. 2852. Prohibition on use of funds for planning and design of Department of Defense vaccine production facility. Sec. 2853. Grant relating to elementary school for dependents of Department of Defense personnel, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Sec. 2854. Allotment of space in Federal buildings to credit unions. Sec. 2855. Flood control project for Coyote and Berryessa Creeks, California. Sec. 2856. Restrictions on land transactions relating to the Presidio of San Francisco, California. TITLE XXIX—DEFENSE BASE CLOSURE AND REAUGNMENT Subtitle A—Base Closure Community Assistance Sec. 2901. Findings. Sec. 2902. Prohibition on transfer of certain property located at military installations to be closed. Sec. 2903. Authority to transfer property at closed installations to affected communities and States. Sec. 2904. Expedited determination of transferability of excess property of installations to be closed. Sec. 2905. Availability of property for assisting the homeless. Sec. 2906. Authority to lease certain property at installations to be closed. Sec. 2907. Authority to contract for certain services at installations being closed. Sec. 2908. Authority to transfer property at military installations to be closed to persons paying the cost of environmental restoration activities on the property. Sec. 2909. Sense of Congress on availability of surplus military equipment. Sec. 2910. Identification of uncontaminated property at installations to be closed. Sec. 2911. Compliance with certain environmental requirements relating to closure of installations. Sec. 2912. Preference for local and small businesses. Sec. 2913. Consideration of applications of affected States and communities for assistance. Sec. 2914. Clarification of utilization of funds for community economic adjustment assistance. Sec. 2915. Transition coordinators for assistance to communities affected by the closure of installations. Sec. 2916. Sense of Congress on seminars on reuse or redevelopment of property at installations to be closed. Sec. 2917. Feasibility study on assisting local communities affected by the closure or realignment of military installations.