Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/619

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PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 107 STAT. 1569 may be obligated for the F-14 aircraft upgrade program until 30 days after the date on which the Secretary of the Navy submits to the congressional defense committees a report on that upgrade program that includes the following information: (1) A description of the F-15E equivalent strike upgrade configuration selected for the F-14D upgrade program. (2) A schedule for conversion of the F-14D fleet to the upgraded configuration. (3) A description of the F-14D strike upgrade derivative configuration selected for the F-14A or F-14B upgrade program. (4) A schedule for conversion of the F-14A and F-14B fleet to an upgraded configuration. (5) The total number of F-14A and F-14B aircraft to be converted. (6) A funding plan for implementing the upgrade programs. Subtitle D—Air Force Programs SEC. 131. B -2 BOMBER AmCRAFT PROGRAM. (a) AMOUNT FOR PROGRAM.—Of the amount appropriated pursuant to section 103 for the Air Force for fiscal year 1994 for procurement of aircraft, not more than $911,300,000 may be obligated for the B-2 bomber aircraft program. Of that amount, not more than $285,100,000 may be obligated for initial spares. (b) LIMITATION ON OBLIGATION OF FUNDS. —None of the unobligated balances of funds appropriated for procurement of B-2 aircraft for fiscal year 1992, fiscal year 1993, or fiscal year 1994 may be obligated for the B-2 bomber aircraft program until— (1) the Secretary of the Air Force— (A) enters into a definitized production contract with the prime contractor for air veWcles 17 through 21; or (B) submits to the congressional defense committees Reports. a report setting forth the reasons that such a contract cannot be entered into; and (2) the Secretary of Defense submits to those committees a certification that the Department of the Air Force is in full compliance with the B-2 correction-of-deficiency requirements set forth in section 117(d) of Public Law 101-189 (103 Stat. 1376) in all aspects of deficiency correction. (c) REAFFIRMATION OF LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF B-2 AIR- CRAFT.—As provided in section 151(c) of Public Law 102-484 (106 Stat. 2339), the Secretary of the Air Force may not procure more than 20 deployable B-2 bomber aircraft (plus one test aircraft which may not be made operational). (d) LIMITATION ON TOTAL PROGRAM COST. —The total amount obligated on or after the date of the enactment of this Act (1) for research, development, test, and evaluation for, and acquisition, modification and retrofitting of, the B-2 bomber aircraft referred to in subsection (c), and (2) for paying the costs associated with termination of the B-2 bomber aircraft program upon completion of the acquisition of those aircraft may not exceed $28,968,000,000 (in fiscal year 1981 constant dollars). (e) RELEASE OF PRIOR YEAR FUNDS. —Funds previously authorized and appropriated for procurement of the B-2 bomber aircraft program, the obligation of which was limited by section 131(b) of