Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/645

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PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 107 STAT. 1595 (d) COVERED WEAPON SYSTEM PROGRAMS. —For purposes of subsections (a) and (c), the weapon system programs referred to in this subsection are as follows: (1) The Patriot Multimode Missile Program. (2) The Extended Range Interceptor (ERINT) missile program. SEC. 234. COMPLIANCE OF BALUSTIC MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEMS 10 USC 2431 AND COMPONENTS WITH ABM TREATY. note. (a) FINDINGS. —Congress makes the following findings: (1) Section 232(a)(l) of the Missile Defense Act of 1991 (10 U.S.C. 2431 note) establishes a goal for the United States to comply with the ABM Treaty (including any protocol or amendment thereto) and not develop, test, or deploy any ballistic missile defense system, or component thereof, in violation of that treaty (as modified by any protocol or amendment thereto) while deploying an anti-ballistic missile system capable of jjroviding a highly effective defense of the United States against limited attacks of ballistic missiles. (2) The Department of Defense has conducted no formal compliance review of any of the components or systems scheduled for early deployment as jjart of either the Theater Missile Defense Initiative or the initial limited defense system to be located at Grand Forks, North Dakota. (3) The Department of Defense is continuing to obligate hundreds of millions of dollars for the development and testing of systems or components of ballistic missile defense systems before a determination has been made that, if successfully developed, tested, or deployed, those systems and components would be in compliance with the ABM Treaty. (4) The President requested the authorization and appropriation of additional funds for continued development of such systems and components during fiscal year 1994. (5) The United States and its allies face existing and expanding threats from ballistic missiles capable of being used as theater weapon systems that are presentlv possessed by, being developed by., or being acquired by a numoer of countries, including Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. (6) Some theater ballistic missiles presently deployed or being developed (such as the Chinese-made CSS--2) have capabilities equal to or greater than the capabilities of missiles which were determined to be strategic missiles more than 20 years ago under the SALT I Interim Agreement of 1972 entered into between the United States and the Soviet Union. (7) The ABM Treaty was not intended to, and does not, apply to or limit researcn, development, testing, or deployment of missile defense stystems, system upgrades, or system components that are designed to counter modern theater ballistic missiles, regardless of the capabilities of such missiles, unless those systems, system upgrades, or system components are tested against or have demonstrated capabilities to counter modern strategic ballistic missiles. (8) It is a national security priority of the United States to develop and deploy highly effective theater missile defense systems capable of countering the existing and expanding threats posed by modern theater ballistic missiles as soon as is technically possible.