Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/827

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PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 107 STAT. 1777 guarantee program unless the President, in consultation with Congress, designates another department or agency to implement the program. Applications for guarantees issued under this section shall be submitted to the Secretary of Defense, who may make such arrangements as are necessary with other departments or agencies to process the applications and otherwise to implement the loan guarantee program. (g) FEES CHARGED AND COLLECTED. —A fee shall be charged for each guarantee issued under the loan guarantee program. All fees collected in connection with guarantees issued under the program under this section shall be available to offset the cost of guarantee obligations under the program. All of the fees collected under this subsection, together with earnings on those fees and other income arising from gaar&ntee operations under the program, shall be held in a financing account maintained in the Treasury of the United States. All funds in such account may be invested in obligations of the United States. Any interest or other receipts derived from such investments shall be credited to such account and may be used for the pwposes of the program. (h) NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL REVIEW PROCESS.—In addition to the interagency review process for arms sales to foreign governments referred to in subsection (d)(2), the National Security Council shall review each proposed sale for which a guarantee is proposed to be issued under the loan guarantee program to determine whether the sale is in accord with United States security interests, that it contributes to collective defense burden sharing, and that it is consistent with United States nonproliferation goals. (i) DEFINITIONS. —For purposes of this section, the terms "defense article", "defense service", and "defense articles and defense services" have the meanings given those terms in section 47 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2794). TITLE XII—COOPERATIVE THREAT RE- cooperative DUCTION WITH STATES OF FORMER ^«,f„f- SOVIET UNION 1993. SEC. 1201. SHORT TITLE. 22 USC 5951 This title may be cited as the "Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 1993". SEC. 1202. FINDINGS ON COOPERATIVE THREAT REDUCTION. 22 USC 5951. The Congress finds that it is in the national security interest of the United States for the United States to do the following: (1) Facilitete, on a priority basis, the transportetion, storage, safeguarding, and elimination of nuclear and other weapons of the independent stetes of the former Soviet Union, including— (A) the safe and secure storage of fissile materials derived from the elimination of nuclear weapons; (B) the dismantlement of (i) intercontinentel ballistic missiles and launchers for such missiles, (ii) submarinelaunched ballistic missiles and launchers for such missiles, and (iii) heavy bombers; and (C) the elimination of chemical, biological and other weapons capabilities.