Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 2.djvu/977

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PUBLIC LAW 103-160—NOV. 30, 1993 107 STAT. 1927 under transition assistance and transition mitigation programs with community redevelopment activities with respect to the installation; (9) assist the Secretary of the military department concerned in identifying property located at the installation that may be leased in a manner consistent with the redevelopment plan for the instellation; and (10) assist the Secretary of Defense in identifying real property or personal property at the installation that may be utilized to meet the needs of the homeless by consulting with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the local lead agency of the homeless, if any, referred to in section 210(b) of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistonce Act (42 U.S.C. 11320(b)) for the Stote in which the installation is located. SEC. 2916. SENSE OF C^ONGRESS ON SEMINARS ON REUSE OR REDEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY AT INSTALLATIONS TO BE CLOSED. It is the sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense conduct seminars for each community in which is located a military instollation to be closed under a base closure law. Any such seminar shall— (1) be conducted within 6 months after the date of approval of closure of the installation concerned; (2) address the various Federal programs for the reuse and redevelopment of the installation; and (3) provide information about employment assistonce (including employment assistonce under Federal programs) available to members of such communities. SEC. 2917. FEASIBILITY STUDY ON ASSISTING LOCAL COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY THE CLOSURE OR REALIGNMENT OF MIU- TARYINSTAIXATIONS. (a) STUDY.—The Scjcretory of Defense shall conduct a study to determine the feasibility of assisting local communities recovering from the adverse economic impact of the closure or major realignment of a militory installation under a base closure law by reserving for granto to the communities under section 2391(b) of title 10, Unitod Stotos Code, an amount eaual to not less than 10 percent of the totol projected savings to be realized by the Department of Defense in the first 10 years after the closure or m£uor realignment of the instollation as a result of the closure or realignment. (b) REPORT.—Not later than March 1, 1994, the Secretly shall submit to Congress a report containing the resulto of the study required by this subsection. The report shall include— (1) an estimate of the amount of the projected savings described in subsection (a) to be realized by the Department of Defense as a result of each base closure or maior realignment approved before the dato of the enactment of this Act; and (2) a recommendation regarding the fiuiding sources within the budget for the Department of Defense from which amounto for the granto descrioed in subsection (a) could be derived. SEC. 2918. DEFINITIONS. 10 USC 2687 (a) SUBTITLE A OF TITLE XXDC.— In this subtitle: "°*®" (1) The term "base closure law" means the following: