Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 3.djvu/130

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107 STAT. 2068 PUBLIC LAW 103-182—DEC. 8, 1993 (1) IN GENERAL.—This title (other than the amendment made by section 107) takes effect on the date of the enactment of this Act. (2) SECTION IO7 AMENDMENT. —The amendment made by section 107 takes effect on the date the Agreement enters into force between the United States and Cana(Ui. (b) TERMINATION OF NAFTA STATUS.— During any period in which a country ceases to be a NAFTA country, sections 101 through 106 shall cease to have effect with respect to such country. TITLE II—CUSTOMS PROVISIONS 19 USC 3331. SEC. 201. TARIFF MODIFICATIONS. (a) TARIFF MODIFICATIONS PROVIDED FOR IN THE AGREEMENT.— (1) PROCLAMATION AUTHORITY.— The President may proclaim— (A) such modifications or continuation of any duty, (B) such continuation of duty-free or excise treatment, or (C) such additional duties, as the President determines to be necessary or appropriate to carry out or apply articles 302, 305, 307, 308, and 703 and Annexes 302.2, 307.1, 308.1, 308.2, 300-B, 703.2, and 703.3 of the Agreement. President. (2) EFFECT ON MEXICAN GSP STATUS.— Notwithstanding section 502(a)(2) of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2462(a)(2)), the President shall terminate the designation of Mexico as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of title V of the Trade Act of 19*74 on the date of entry into force of the Agreement between the United States and Mexico. (b) OTHER TARIFF MODIFICATIONS. — (1) IN GENERAL. —Subject to paragraph (2) and the consultation and layover requirements of section 103(a), the President may proclaim— (A) such modifications or continuation of any duty, (B) such modifications as the United States may agree to with Mexico or Canada regcurding the staging of any duty treatment set forth in Annex 302.2 of the Agreement, (C) such continuation of duty-free or excise treatment, or (D) such additional duties, as the President determines to be necessary or appropriate to maintain the general level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with respect to Canada or Mexico provided for by the Agreement. (2) SPECIAL RULE FOR ARTICLES WITH TARIFF PHASEOUT PERIODS OF MORE THAN 10 YEARS.— The President may not consider a request to accelerate the staging of duty reductions for an article for which the United States tariff phaseout period is more than 10 years if a request for acceleration with respect to such article has been denied in the preceding 3 calendar years. (c) CONVERSION TO AD VALOREM RATES FOR CERTAIN TEX- TILES.—For purposes of subsections (a) and (b), with respect to an article covered by Annex 300-B of the Agreement imported from Mexico for which the base rate in the Schedule of the United