Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 3.djvu/250

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107 STAT. 2188 PUBLIC LAW 103-182—DEC. 8, 1993 the merchandise is counterfeit, the merchandise may be seized and forfeited. "(4) If the merchandise is imported or introduced contrary to a provision of law which governs the classification or value of merchandise and there are no issues as to the admissibility of the merchandise into the United States, it shall not be seized except in accordance with section 592. "(5) In any case where the seizure and forfeiture of merchandise are required or authorized by this section, the Secretary may—

    • (A) remit the forfeiture under section 618, or

"(B) permit the exportation of the merchandise, unless its release would adversely affect health, safety, or conservation or be in contravention of a bilateral or multilateral agreement or treaty.". Subtitle B—National Customs Automation Program SEC. 631. NATIONAL CUSTOMS AUTOMATION PROGRAM. Part I of title IV is amended— (1) by striking out 19 USC prec


14U1. and inserting "PART I—DEFINITIONS AND NATIONAL CUSTOMS AUTOMATION PROGRAM "Subpart A—Definitions"; and (2) by inserting after section 402 the following: "Subpart B—National Customs Automation Program 19 USC 1411. "SEC. 411. NATIONAL CUSTOMS AUTOMATION PROGRAM. " (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— The Secretary shall establish the National Customs Automation Program (hereinafter in this subpart referred to as the Trogram') which shall be an automated and electronic system for processing commercial importations and shall include the following existing and planned components: "(1) Existing components: "(A) The electronic entry of merchandise. "(B) The electronic entry summary of required information.

    • (C) The electronic transmission of invoice information.

"(D) The electronic transmission of manifest information. "(E) Electronic payments of duties, fees, and taxes. "(F) The electronic status of liquidation and reliquidation.