Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 107 Part 3.djvu/496

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107 STAT. 2434 PUBLIC LAW 103-206—DEC. 20, 1993 (D) the United States shall have the right, at any time, to enter such property without notice for the purpose of maintaining aids to navigation; and (E) the United States shall have an assessment of access to such property for the purpose of maintcdning the aids to navigation in use on the property. (5) MAINTENANCE OBLIGATION.— The Island Institute shall ^ not have any obligation to maintain any active aid to navigation equipment on property conveyed pursuant to subsection (a). (c) PROPERTY TO BE MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CER- TAIN LAWS. — The Island Institute shall maintain the Heron Neck Lighthouse in accordance with the Provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. et seq.) and other applicable laws. (d) DEFINITIONS.— For purposes of this section, the term "Heron Neck Lighthouse" mecuis the Coast Guard Ughthouse located on Green Island, Vinalhaven, Maine, including— (1) the attached keeper's dwelling, ancillary buildings, and associated fog signal, ana boat ramp; and (2) such land as may be necessary to enable the Island Institute to operate at that lighthouse a nonprofit center for public benefit. Maine. SEC. 327. BURNT COAT HARBOR UGHTHOUSE. (a) AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER. — (1) IN GENERAL. — The Secretary of Transportation shall convey by any appropriate means to the Town or Swan's Island, Swans Island, Maine, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to property comprising the Burnt Coat Harbor Lighthouse. (2) IDENTIFICATION OF PROPERTY.—The Secretary may identify, describe, and determine property conveyed pursuant to this subsection. (b) TERMS AND CONDITIONS.— (1) IN GENERAL. —The conveyance of property pursuant to subsection (a) shall be made— (A) without payment of consideration; and (B) subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretary may consider appropriate. (2) USE OF PROPERTY.— The property conveyed pursuant to subsection (a) may be used for educational, historic, recreational, and cultural programs open to and for the benefit of the general public. Theme displays, museums, gifi; shops, open euiibits, meeting rooms, ana an ofiGce and quarters for personnel in connection with security and administration of the property are expressly authorized. Other uses not inconsistent with the foregoing uses are permitted unless the Secretary shall reasonably determine that such uses are incompatible with the historic nature of the property or with other provisions of this section. (3) REVERSIONARY INTEREST. —In addition to any term or condition established pursuant to paragraph (1), any convey- ance of property comprising the Burnt Coat Harbor Lighthouse pursuant to subsection (a) shall be subject to the condition that all right, title, and interest in and to the property so conveyed shall immediately revert to the United States if the property, or any part thereof—